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There is, however, a large amount of unlinked data available on the web. Here we have investigated two examples, sfaira and TCGA. Both are candidates for linking to other resources to make a single, queryable platform.


  1. sfaira
  2. TCGA
    1. All breast cancer records (NEW)
    2. Mutations and slides for TNBC cases


sfaira ties together single-cell data consists of over 170 datasets for numerous tissues types in both human and mouse. A https://theislab.github.io/sfaira-portal/ allows filtering the datasets and Python code is available for downloading and caching the various binary resources that make up a dataset. Downloading and loading the datasets can take significant time. Here metadata from the 6 human brain datasets has been parsed using the sfaira python library:

    ds = sfaira.data.Universe(data_path=datadir, meta_path=metadir, cache_path=cachedir)
    ds.subset(key="organism", values=["Homo sapiens"])
    ds.subset(key="organ", values=["brain"])
    ds.streamline_features(match_to_release="104", subset_genes_to_type="protein_coding")

Each column in the table displays how many cells of a given type were found in each dataset. This is just one example of the type of queryable feature that one might want to extract from the datasets. In the table, the columns are represented by the following numbers for readability:

  1. homosapiens_brain_2019_10x3v2_kanton_001_10.1038/s41586-019-1654-9
  2. homosapiens_retina_2019_10x3v2_lukowski_001_10.15252/embj.2018100811
  3. homosapiens_retina_2019_10x3v3_menon_001_10.1038/s41467-019-12780-8
  4. homosapiens_retina_2019_10x3v3_voigt_001_10.1073/pnas.1914143116
  5. homosapiens_thymus_2020_10xtechnology_park_001_10.1126/science.aay3224
  6. homosapiens_brain_2017_droncseq_habib_001_10.1038/nmeth.4407

cell type 1 2 3 4 5 6
B cell 0 0 0 100 0 0
CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell 0 0 0 0 14506 0
CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell 0 0 0 0 13257 0
CD8-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte 0 0 0 0 6783 0
GABAergic interneuron 0 0 0 0 0 1629
Mueller cell 0 612 0 0 0 0
T cell 0 0 0 0 3614 0
alpha-beta T cell 0 0 0 612 11235 0
amacrine cell 0 281 497 0 0 0
astrocyte 0 0 0 0 0 1537
common myeloid progenitor 0 0 0 0 185 0
cone retinal bipolar cell 0 0 3155 0 0 0
cortical thymic epithelial cell 0 0 0 0 9411 0
dendritic cell 0 0 0 0 2625 0
dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation granule cell 0 0 0 0 0 1401
double negative thymocyte 0 0 0 0 42474 0
double-positive, alpha-beta thymocyte 0 0 0 0 97183 0
early lymphoid progenitor 0 0 0 0 431 0
early pro-B cell 0 0 0 0 290 0
effector memory CD4-positive, alpha-beta T cell 0 0 0 0 2879 0
effector memory CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell 0 0 0 0 1644 0
endothelial cell 0 0 0 174 5753 121
epithelial cell 0 0 0 0 74 0
epithelial cell of thymus 0 0 0 0 1225 0
erythrocyte 0 0 0 0 644 0
fibroblast 0 0 0 1341 11749 0
gamma-delta T cell 0 0 0 0 2582 0
group 3 innate lymphoid cell 0 0 0 0 561 0
hippocampal pyramidal neuron 0 0 0 0 0 1026
immature NK T cell 0 0 0 0 349 0
macroglial cell 0 0 5276 0 0 0
macrophage 0 0 0 172 0 0
mast cell 0 0 0 62 148 0
medullary thymic epithelial cell 0 0 0 0 6448 0
megakaryocyte 0 0 0 0 36 0
memory B cell 0 0 0 0 2161 0
microglial cell 0 142 62 0 0 306
monocyte 0 0 0 0 265 0
naive B cell 0 0 0 0 2152 0
natural killer cell 0 0 0 0 1615 0
neuronal stem cell 0 0 0 0 0 178
oligodendrocyte 0 0 0 0 0 2660
oligodendrocyte precursor cell 0 0 0 0 0 618
pericyte cell 0 0 0 180 0 0
plasma cell 0 0 0 0 479 0
plasmacytoid dendritic cell 0 0 0 0 1048 0
primary motor cortex pyramidal cell 0 0 0 0 0 3133
regulatory T cell 0 0 0 0 7444 0
retina horizontal cell 0 0 146 0 0 0
retinal bipolar neuron 0 2070 0 0 0 0
retinal blood vessel endothelial cell 0 0 85 0 0 0
retinal cone cell 0 583 211 0 0 0
retinal ganglion cell 0 63 1514 0 0 0
retinal melanocyte 0 0 0 881 0 0
retinal pigment epithelial cell 0 0 0 289 0 0
retinal rod cell 0 12239 9145 0 0 0
terminal Schwann cell 0 0 0 524 0 0
thymic medullary macrophage 0 0 0 0 863 0
unknown 90576 3704 0 0 0 458
vascular associated smooth muscle cell 0 0 0 0 3788 0

Contents ↑


The Cancer Genome Atlas Program (TCGA) data available from the Genomic Data Commons Data Portal poses a similar problem. Though there is a GraphQL API, not all metadata is accessible. For example, the table below is critical for identifying TNBC cases from other forms of breast cancer.

All breast cancer records

This single TSV file nationwidechildrens.org_clinical_patient_brca.txt is attached to each of the over 1000 breast cancer cases in the GDC Portal but it must be separately downloaded to properly interpret the data. (Perhaps even more importantly, the interpretations here are those of the authors and may vary from those of domain experts!)

bcr_patient_uuid bcr_patient_barcode form_completion_date birth_days_to gender menopause_status race ethnicity history_other_malignancy history_neoadjuvant_treatment tumor_status vital_status last_contact_days_to death_days_to radiation_treatment_adjuvant pharmaceutical_tx_adjuvant histologic_diagnosis_other initial_pathologic_dx_year age_at_diagnosis method_initial_path_dx method_initial_path_dx_other surgical_procedure_first first_surgical_procedure_other metastasis_site metastasis_site_other er_status_by_ihc er_status_ihc_Percent_Positive er_positivity_scale_used er_ihc_score er_positivity_scale_other er_positivity_method pr_status_by_ihc pr_status_ihc_percent_positive pr_positivity_scale_used pr_positivity_ihc_intensity_score pr_positivity_scale_other pr_positivity_define_method her2_status_by_ihc her2_ihc_percent_positive her2_ihc_score her2_positivity_scale_other her2_positivity_method_text her2_fish_status her2_copy_number cent17_copy_number her2_and_cent17_cells_count her2_cent17_ratio her2_and_cent17_scale_other her2_fish_method histological_type icd_10 icd_o_3_histology icd_o_3_site metastatic_tumor_indicator tissue_source_site
6E7D5EC6-A469-467C-B748-237353C23416 TCGA-3C-AAAU 2014-1-13 -20211 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 3767 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2004 55 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 3C
55262FCB-1B01-4480-B322-36570430C917 TCGA-3C-AALI 2014-7-28 -18538 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3801 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2003 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 3C
427D0648-3F77-4FFC-B52C-89855426D647 TCGA-3C-AALJ 2014-7-28 -22848 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1228 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 3C
C31900A4-5DCD-4022-97AC-638E86E889E4 TCGA-3C-AALK 2014-7-28 -19074 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1217 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] YES [Not Applicable] 2011 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 3C
6623FC5E-00BE-4476-967A-CBD55F676EA6 TCGA-4H-AAAK 2014-11-13 -18371 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 158 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 4H
86C6F993-327F-4525-9983-29C55625593A TCGA-5L-AAT0 2014-8-15 -15393 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1477 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2010 42 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 5L
16FC3677-0393-4ED1-AD3F-C8355F056369 TCGA-5L-AAT1 2014-8-15 -23225 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No WITH TUMOR Alive 1471 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ CISH CISH [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 5L
2FD36838-5A83-433E-AC80-B1F77448E5AA TCGA-5T-A9QA 2013-12-23 -19031 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 12 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] infiltrating ductal and mucinous 2013 52 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] 5T
0045349c-69d9-4306-a403-c9c1fa836644 TCGA-A1-A0SB 2011-6-30 -25833 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 259 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma 2008 70 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8200/3 C50.9 NO A1
c462e422-eb8d-4daf-9897-2a9c6cbd783a TCGA-A1-A0SD 2011-9-7 -21793 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 437 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
c397e6c2-ba3a-4f5e-a258-c140611192fe TCGA-A1-A0SE 2010-12-6 -20717 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1321 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma 2005 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2 2 [Not Available] 1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
4b620966-b4c7-4615-bf58-ca9d3226b9bd TCGA-A1-A0SF 2011-5-24 -19731 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1463 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 54 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A1
0ed9ad26-7fdc-4d75-93f9-d029eee94993 TCGA-A1-A0SG 2011-5-31 -22380 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 434 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] micropapillary carcinoma invasive 2006 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8507/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
a6a863d9-b39d-4965-b47f-79a1bcf3c976 TCGA-A1-A0SH 2010-12-6 -14595 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1437 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 39 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.5 1.8 [Not Available] 1.4 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
16368c32-2118-4fcf-8693-6c89995e49d8 TCGA-A1-A0SI 2011-6-30 -19250 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 635 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 52 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A1
a2db9dd1-44d5-48b5-817c-a21a85fadb21 TCGA-A1-A0SJ 2010-12-6 -14383 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 416 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 5 4 [Not Available] 1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
a5b44d66-c162-46b5-9df2-86305f0385c5 TCGA-A1-A0SK 2010-12-6 -20048 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 967 [Not Available] [Not Available] Neuroendocrine carcinoma, large-cell type, high-grade 2007 54 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8013/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
784de7ac-8424-42eb-83d4-a1bebaa42b97 TCGA-A1-A0SM 2010-12-6 -28198 MALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 242 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 21 2 [Not Available] 11 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
0dc337fa-da8b-42c4-b9a7-fb76d81c161f TCGA-A1-A0SN 2011-5-23 -18401 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1196 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
6644fd4e-d2fe-4785-a73c-0f36fcc740e2 TCGA-A1-A0SO 2010-12-6 -24826 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 852 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 5 3.2 [Not Available] 1.6 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
a9bb8159-32f0-454c-a946-b3286a52b9d5 TCGA-A1-A0SP 2010-12-6 -14954 FEMALE [Not Available] [Not Available] NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes [Not Available] TUMOR FREE Alive 584 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 40 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A1
08de63a2-7b76-43c3-80dc-df748b1d81bc TCGA-A1-A0SQ 2011-6-30 -16458 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 554 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A1
197428f7-bd77-4c5f-8119-87157b5c35b9 TCGA-A2-A04N 2011-1-27 -24155 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3153 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 66 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
ccd4a24b-d8cc-4686-9dee-c98b0c5a8d21 TCGA-A2-A04P 2010-8-26 -13238 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 548 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 36 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
b5fba77b-1f50-4e71-95b2-566afba4bdd7 TCGA-A2-A04Q 2010-8-10 -17660 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2179 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 48 Other method, specify: SKIN BIOPSY Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.4 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
f3a058b9-fb7f-4098-8f0e-83c2acfa1ed5 TCGA-A2-A04R 2010-10-8 -13483 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 36 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
b58ad350-5140-4fa8-bc2c-24bca8395f3a TCGA-A2-A04T 2010-8-9 -22707 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1950 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
1c3610f7-e0aa-48d7-9a27-0dbaf6e244f9 TCGA-A2-A04U 2011-1-5 -17474 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 671 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 2.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
64f67506-f2df-4f0a-b7be-29b4949e986a TCGA-A2-A04V 2010-8-10 -14250 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1920 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] STRONG [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] MODERATE [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
00807dae-9f4a-4fd1-aac2-82eb11bf2afb TCGA-A2-A04W 2011-1-5 -18345 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1918 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Apocrine 2005 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 3.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8401/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
733a2a0f-b37a-4b81-b49e-3c0f30d1eb37 TCGA-A2-A04X 2010-8-9 -12642 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1349 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 34 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] STRONG [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] MODERATE [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 3.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
9ce7ce09-4409-4fa3-9f78-b2b24716f860 TCGA-A2-A04Y 2010-8-9 -19533 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 764 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
5ACA16CA-4516-4E27-8249-6914029A7EBF TCGA-A2-A0CK 2012-5-21 -22094 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3820 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 60 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
5c8983f2-9788-4dfa-971c-3ec457b6166e TCGA-A2-A0CL 2011-1-28 -13556 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1827 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 37 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
eb2dbb4f-66b6-4525-8323-431970f7a64e TCGA-A2-A0CM 2010-9-6 -14969 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 754 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 40 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
8E54232D-D8BB-4612-8B0E-4FEB076A60F9 TCGA-A2-A0CO 2012-5-21 -31404 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1468 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 85 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
fe15c48b-116d-461e-9b40-68514730fd18 TCGA-A2-A0CP 2010-9-8 -22133 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2495 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
ab34a9a2-d72d-4106-94fb-118844b1b60b TCGA-A2-A0CQ 2010-8-10 -22810 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2393 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
4CF0F639-7940-48B6-8EA1-2A3494097CDB TCGA-A2-A0CR 2012-6-5 -20075 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2955 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
d071c16b-7cee-45ed-8ec9-612418143815 TCGA-A2-A0CS 2011-1-27 -26817 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2298 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 73 Other method, specify: Skin biopsy Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Other, specify Ovary Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
378778d2-b331-4867-a93b-c64028c8b4c7 TCGA-A2-A0CT 2010-9-9 -25959 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1918 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
332423a7-8866-4ee3-b08f-3c8d7c16af80 TCGA-A2-A0CU 2010-9-9 -26823 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 158 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
ad7fcc89-82a3-48aa-8461-581c1a857677 TCGA-A2-A0CV 2011-1-28 -15289 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1870 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
32efa6e8-6b19-480a-9d04-ace02e93318a TCGA-A2-A0CW 2011-1-28 -24541 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1750 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.5 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
c744fc13-3aca-4245-9e24-abd368cc8bef TCGA-A2-A0CX 2010-9-10 -19152 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1303 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
757df7b0-4774-4493-98bf-999ded9ac86e TCGA-A2-A0CY 2010-9-10 -23229 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1288 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.89 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
9f93ea0a-1687-44e0-9e8a-eeb4097d471c TCGA-A2-A0CZ 2010-9-14 -17026 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1339 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
324bcba2-f6a4-45a6-807c-215bdffcca21 TCGA-A2-A0D0 2010-9-16 -22115 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 643 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.17 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
084c6aec-94f7-4090-8f3f-59fa9e89721a TCGA-A2-A0D1 2010-9-21 -28084 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 786 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Weak [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Weak [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 5.5 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
99e32c59-aa73-43fa-88c9-399ddadb2c72 TCGA-A2-A0D2 2010-9-16 -16623 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 761 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
4a16429b-884f-4c95-8683-feeedf0d6a55 TCGA-A2-A0D3 2011-1-28 -15524 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 736 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.41 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
75113445-d2d6-44a0-866c-c9175e6d214b TCGA-A2-A0D4 2010-9-21 -13805 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 496 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 37 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=moderate [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=weak [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.14 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
2fdfd287-d13c-4910-9788-73987d45908a TCGA-A2-A0EM 2010-9-6 -26845 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2758 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
5e670fec-8992-44bf-8657-f7f9a272306b TCGA-A2-A0EN 2015-2-27 -25771 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4088 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 70 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.4 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
bf88ddf5-a6d4-498c-bf7f-db9bfabff72d TCGA-A2-A0EO 2010-8-10 -19880 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2181 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.6 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
670F5022-5066-48F1-8472-5670129A1E0F TCGA-A2-A0EP 2012-8-16 -20585 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3021 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2004 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
2192c1db-4718-4254-ba42-3ae7f30ad5a8 TCGA-A2-A0EQ 2010-8-11 -23543 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2053 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
7455d832-ad66-40df-85d7-3a7051c4498d TCGA-A2-A0ER 2010-8-13 -23021 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1903 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
a2934508-3daf-49e2-b14f-ed9b7693f96f TCGA-A2-A0ES 2011-1-25 -19160 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1001 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.32 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
96f23d8a-be0f-4925-ba00-805dc293414c TCGA-A2-A0ET 2010-9-20 -21464 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 807 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Strong [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Strong [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.09 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
c0427237-b476-4af4-b664-7bd479922ea5 TCGA-A2-A0EU 2010-8-11 -29144 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 733 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Strong [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Intensity=Strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.97 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
7032ec9c-e96b-4642-a7b6-d0aee7a3add2 TCGA-A2-A0EV 2010-8-11 -29285 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 545 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.40 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
8d5fe6e8-d2cc-481f-a6a1-9cb6e7982cde TCGA-A2-A0EW 2011-1-5 -19413 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 770 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.33 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
9d8702e1-1a36-4bca-85ab-5f11d58d7953 TCGA-A2-A0EX 2010-8-13 -16858 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 550 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.22 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
d67cd793-2931-429a-9084-2f3c4c8be7ad TCGA-A2-A0EY 2010-9-21 -22872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 485 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 7.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
12d31787-e54d-4729-ace8-9141043c92b8 TCGA-A2-A0ST 2010-11-9 -22922 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2619 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 62 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
c632675e-e8af-43cd-8744-5be3754c1c14 TCGA-A2-A0SU 2010-11-17 -24219 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1352 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
ad01259b-d858-40bc-a6ba-0bb06e996afb TCGA-A2-A0SV 2010-11-15 -23126 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 825 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
991e1427-3c01-423d-abfd-4584302ca72c TCGA-A2-A0SW 2010-11-8 -30085 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1365 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 82 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Liver [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 1.2 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; ratio HER2/Centromer 17 >= 2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
18d35983-ea6a-4b70-a209-9bef37595956 TCGA-A2-A0SX 2010-11-9 -17774 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1288 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
dc696e3c-f448-468f-a576-f4429be0338a TCGA-A2-A0SY 2010-11-12 -22928 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1154 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 4.8 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; ratio HER2/Centromere 17 >= 2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
95c53f69-0f05-4348-822a-571f3d757001 TCGA-A2-A0T0 2010-11-12 -21575 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 337 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
02bed00f-bef7-4fb7-b243-540354990e45 TCGA-A2-A0T1 2010-11-12 -20227 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) AMERICAN INDIAN OR ALASKA NATIVE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 323 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
128d198e-9b22-427c-90db-3714455f3a17 TCGA-A2-A0T2 2010-11-12 -24235 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 255 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Liver Abdomen Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
058dcb78-bed1-40c3-a6c2-a0cc40065531 TCGA-A2-A0T3 2011-2-21 -13680 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 456 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 37 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 2.3 556 1.4 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
b0f8d698-a30e-4d8d-b0a2-a5a01fac8406 TCGA-A2-A0T4 2010-11-17 -22849 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 395 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
36d77496-99f8-4911-ba7c-89fae32662aa TCGA-A2-A0T5 2010-11-9 -14503 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 321 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
08306ede-e74b-4be9-b768-7fd98647b6ac TCGA-A2-A0T6 2010-11-17 -18334 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 344 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
43d5632e-7272-4aad-9496-7f5a99671223 TCGA-A2-A0T7 2010-11-17 -18756 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 397 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
a1872011-b928-4189-ac02-e87506c20bca TCGA-A2-A0YC 2010-12-8 -21685 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 644 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 1.18 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; ratio of HER2/Centromere 17 >= 2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
2c6adb12-380d-4710-a7e6-93d5a0e53289 TCGA-A2-A0YD 2010-12-8 -23021 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 550 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 1.04 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; ratio of HER2/Centromere 17 >= 2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
84a88e8d-1e65-4b88-aae6-bf4c7a7e4c33 TCGA-A2-A0YE 2010-12-10 -17727 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 253 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] No membrane staining or incomplete membrane staining in <10% of tumor cells is negative [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
ae8c77fe-e6c8-44d5-8265-4a38c637bbef TCGA-A2-A0YF 2010-12-2 -24660 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 289 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
c0892598-1f7b-4f23-9cd8-731f797753d5 TCGA-A2-A0YG 2011-1-3 -23058 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 404 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
298d33da-15af-48cb-b30f-eaf54e7baa43 TCGA-A2-A0YH 2010-12-14 -19596 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 379 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
72cd1b17-d349-4551-83f7-3062ce9db865 TCGA-A2-A0YI 2010-12-14 -22961 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 358 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
796b593f-5886-4a27-bf94-7ea8df325e1a TCGA-A2-A0YJ 2010-12-28 -14448 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 326 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
8f34cb4c-5798-47a0-89a1-f0ee26a8ae93 TCGA-A2-A0YK 2010-12-28 -22625 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 334 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
b205c89f-af62-4186-acad-ed23d243fa98 TCGA-A2-A0YL 2010-12-27 -17702 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 268 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
5cbf0aea-ebb4-4005-bdd5-14ef2dc6826c TCGA-A2-A0YM 2010-12-8 -24831 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 662 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 1.08 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; ratio of HER2/Centromere >=2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
14b95463-2108-4921-afc2-e29eef52b18f TCGA-A2-A0YT 2010-12-10 -20482 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No Yes TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 723 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 1.3 [Not Available] Enumerate 60 tumor cells; Ratio of HER2/Centromere 17 >=2.1 is amplified Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
cd0c96a4-6414-4efb-879b-7408b62ed5b6 TCGA-A2-A1FV 2011-5-26 -27287 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 461 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.92 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
54883111-d475-4515-ba3f-fece8a71e79e TCGA-A2-A1FW 2011-5-11 -22779 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 221 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
ac6d3ba9-f84f-4657-aa85-4d66fb7c09da TCGA-A2-A1FX 2011-5-12 -22344 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 935 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 185 160 60 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
805bfe39-3695-43c2-93e4-d66d0559b89f TCGA-A2-A1FZ 2011-4-21 -23055 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 410 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
2e538802-2a31-4774-89a8-c6e4381a887d TCGA-A2-A1G0 2011-4-21 -18002 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 380 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Tubulolobular Carcinoma 2010 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
75b5529b-565a-4eba-918a-910b2f441d32 TCGA-A2-A1G1 2011-5-12 -31223 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 371 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 85 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 816 51 30 16.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
e3b555aa-7f0a-49c6-9b13-182c61a144c1 TCGA-A2-A1G4 2011-4-22 -25966 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 372 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
295cf595-4a29-46a3-a0c5-e5f08f947031 TCGA-A2-A1G6 2011-4-22 -18514 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 132 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
3fc3755d-a3f8-4e2c-813f-ff124f2a75c1 TCGA-A2-A259 2011-6-20 -25666 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1286 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong using Weak, Moderate and Strong [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong using Weak, Moderate and Strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 132 125 60 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
aaea5f9c-b35b-47f8-93cb-bdc7b81844ff TCGA-A2-A25A 2011-6-21 -16084 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 2968 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
eadf8482-e60e-4307-adb7-d5c3b9fa6cae TCGA-A2-A25B 2011-7-15 -14454 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 258 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.93 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
7aedb46a-48ec-4e0e-8baa-c9ea4c4a7cf1 TCGA-A2-A25C 2011-7-15 -18508 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 285 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
3b963d72-ba5c-467b-83c9-fbdb462510a3 TCGA-A2-A25D 2011-6-21 -32872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] Moderate using the scale of Weak, Moderate, Strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 145 118 60 1.22 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
ba89cb4f-cd63-47b1-9550-76fdaff89f2e TCGA-A2-A25E 2011-7-21 -12601 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2511 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 34 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] Moderate using scale of Weak, Moderate, Strong [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] Strong, using scale of Weak, Moderate and Strong [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 2.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
c836951b-3ffb-4e20-8504-0eccb7d50dd4 TCGA-A2-A25F 2011-7-26 -24319 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 114 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
2D29A4AC-98E7-4663-9DD6-5681BC32AC2E TCGA-A2-A3KC 2012-3-14 -20401 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 363 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.8 1.9 20 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A2
BB026999-0AAB-4232-96D7-2C93B6C9691D TCGA-A2-A3KD 2012-4-2 -17372 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 804 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO A2
A78B04B4-2380-4803-963E-E4E633CD69AB TCGA-A2-A3XS 2012-8-15 -23000 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1032 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES A2
C72CB184-462D-4009-9CDB-848782FF8A76 TCGA-A2-A3XT 2012-8-17 -16649 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2238 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2006 45 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
A8E7D8A4-BBF0-496B-B387-8E014CFDCEA6 TCGA-A2-A3XU 2012-8-29 -13046 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 912 YES YES [Not Applicable] 2006 35 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.66 1.5 60 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
189E1F27-7738-413A-A4D4-97D41D592A13 TCGA-A2-A3XV 2012-8-24 -16971 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 428 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 4.5 1.7 60 2.6 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
C02699B5-580A-4D55-971E-F4692B2CCE57 TCGA-A2-A3XW 2012-8-15 -15670 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1209 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.31 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
53886143-C1C6-40E9-88E6-E4E5E0271FC8 TCGA-A2-A3XX 2012-8-15 -17981 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1168 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.25 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
DEBA32E4-0E68-4711-941B-3B63BD965AFB TCGA-A2-A3XY 2012-8-14 -18059 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 786 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A2
FE7F74B8-20F4-4471-91DC-4CCA8C68E5C0 TCGA-A2-A3XZ 2012-8-21 -16978 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 973 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2009 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
174850B4-5EC2-462B-A890-89BD1716B3C2 TCGA-A2-A3Y0 2012-8-24 -21024 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 859 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2010 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
0D146997-CFDC-4587-888C-E876FC455C80 TCGA-A2-A4RW 2013-2-27 -18060 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 222 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
D111C4AB-B39A-4A7C-8D8E-CB342BC10627 TCGA-A2-A4RX 2013-2-28 -24779 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 274 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
5A53EC47-E63F-44A2-8078-87659544FB04 TCGA-A2-A4RY 2013-2-26 -17157 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 268 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
A53DD490-E0BA-419A-90C6-B905E241A8E5 TCGA-A2-A4S0 2013-2-26 -28416 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 271 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
843C8F16-5E59-40D4-9ECC-8A75375156F6 TCGA-A2-A4S1 2013-2-26 -24353 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2012 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
9DDC014D-9A8B-407B-845F-452A73F08E5E TCGA-A2-A4S2 2013-2-28 -22936 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 205 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
418C11E8-2670-48D5-BBF5-95B46BFF1201 TCGA-A2-A4S3 2013-2-28 -21762 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 104 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A2
09765b0a-94f6-47d2-af56-93368084ac3a TCGA-A7-A0CD 2010-10-5 -24242 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 171 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 4.6 4.0 279 1.2 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
9d95a65b-e41d-4f93-92d4-99dce29ff40d TCGA-A7-A0CE 2010-10-4 -20863 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 254 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 2.9 389 1.1 Vysis AutoVysion System PathVysion Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
67eef990-5ff4-45d1-843d-d22d7848f130 TCGA-A7-A0CG 2010-10-7 -28596 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 167 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed infiltrating lobular and grade 1 ductal carcinoma 2010 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
9de678e5-67ed-4453-a98b-7ac351d5d0f1 TCGA-A7-A0CH 2010-10-4 -29104 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 162 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
d69e59a8-b10b-46f5-b859-b6c178d90506 TCGA-A7-A0CJ 2010-10-7 -21014 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 189 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
17baef7c-d97d-4b98-ab53-503ef856523d TCGA-A7-A0D9 2010-10-4 -13836 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 160 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 37 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
3afa1e93-1df8-4e4c-aaa4-557463f4bb77 TCGA-A7-A0DA 2011-1-10 -22708 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 373 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
f130f376-5801-40f9-975d-a7e2f7b5670d TCGA-A7-A0DB 2010-10-4 -20570 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 141 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
cb9f5e50-f49d-4899-8895-9367afcc1015 TCGA-A7-A0DC 2010-10-4 -23294 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 273 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
8785012f-f73e-4d68-87cf-1d804af32782 TCGA-A7-A13D 2011-2-23 -17070 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 267 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.9 1.8 197 1.1 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
8c7e74e0-71ef-49b8-9217-94b8ef740ef9 TCGA-A7-A13E 2011-2-28 -22690 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 287 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 3.0 561 1.1 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
2cf68894-168b-458b-af4f-53cad72989a8 TCGA-A7-A13F 2011-3-2 -16363 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 196 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.0 2.8 403 1.1 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
6cd9baf5-bbe0-4c1e-a87f-c53b3af22890 TCGA-A7-A13G 2011-5-16 -28969 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 208 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A7
2E243F0E-9D7D-4CB0-9678-70607F90430A TCGA-A7-A13H 2012-6-22 -22643 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 551 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 2.7 371 2.2 [Not Available] Pathvysion HER2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A7
011b9b2d-ebe5-42bf-9662-d922faccc7a1 TCGA-A7-A26E 2011-7-28 -26274 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 421 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A7
3b7b9c1e-a84c-47ed-983c-9e4b00cbf01a TCGA-A7-A26F 2011-8-8 -20210 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 257 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Adenocarcinoma with squamous differentiation, metaplastic 2010 55 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.9 1.8 330 1.1 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA probe kit. Other, specify C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO A7
5ed024e8-d05e-4c65-9441-eda9930ccc82 TCGA-A7-A26G 2011-8-10 -18362 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 210 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Invasive ductal carcinoma with Metaplastic features (Area of sarcomatoid carcinoma) 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO A7
dddd8e2f-e540-418a-b02e-698d18a12c14 TCGA-A7-A26H 2011-8-4 -26423 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 65 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Bilateral Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 5.8 2.2 20 2.6 [Not Available] PathVysion Her-2 DNA Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A7
b2ecbc0f-2c30-4200-8d5e-7b95424bcadb TCGA-A7-A26I 2011-7-29 -23948 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 122 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 65 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.2 2.0 229 1.1 [Not Available] Path Vysion HER-2 DNA probe kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A7
6cb6f179-defd-4661-af0a-c353b74c0c49 TCGA-A7-A26J 2011-7-28 -17930 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 68 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO A7
92654F8D-5137-4FFD-AAA3-5AE38EB88226 TCGA-A7-A2KD 2011-10-11 -19563 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 182 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
6B4E0262-F589-4532-B578-9F2D76C19D90 TCGA-A7-A3IY 2012-3-19 -26042 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 151 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO A7
15FF4B02-BB69-4D24-8A07-B82F428E428D TCGA-A7-A3IZ 2012-3-12 -22997 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 148 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.0 3.0 569 1.0 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA probe kit. Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A7
DA70CF7E-0E61-4C72-B4C5-C408569D11B8 TCGA-A7-A3J0 2012-3-13 -22672 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 76 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO A7
8F9AD301-6699-4078-A80D-886E40894AF7 TCGA-A7-A3J1 2012-3-12 -23209 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 75 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO A7
7451AF3C-ACC0-4D79-8429-6B8BE96911D8 TCGA-A7-A3RF 2012-5-3 -29184 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 54 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2012 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
A8F5C479-8685-4E2D-BB60-63F1CC651083 TCGA-A7-A425 2012-11-5 -25678 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 293 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate 30-39% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.8 2.5 228 1.1 [Not Available] Pathvysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
D48E9F25-F083-4F88-A92D-C12D9F765BA6 TCGA-A7-A426 2012-11-5 -18296 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Unknown] Alive 229 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
A2EFE7E1-ACA3-440F-825F-ED621EDCA69F TCGA-A7-A4SA 2013-2-19 -14906 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 241 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
A947A945-4721-45CC-BC45-13B8EA41C10E TCGA-A7-A4SB 2013-2-20 -20539 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 200 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
EC0AB947-9341-4FFF-BDA4-FDFB9434D508 TCGA-A7-A4SC 2013-2-20 -23008 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 215 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.4 2.2 303 1.1 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe kit Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
8C09F413-E938-4F2E-A414-84F0E7FCFE41 TCGA-A7-A4SD 2013-2-19 -19131 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 168 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 6.4 5 20 1.3 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
DBF6F981-15CC-40AD-91AC-A66360405FBD TCGA-A7-A4SE 2013-2-22 -20080 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 371 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
D81594D9-DD6A-45C3-8BAD-61960611D78D TCGA-A7-A4SF 2013-2-25 -19985 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 369 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
F062CBD0-2426-40AC-A4BE-E74AC61FA2A7 TCGA-A7-A56D 2013-4-1 -30783 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 177 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 84 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
0EC70E40-07DF-461D-8FF9-351240A0D454 TCGA-A7-A5ZV 2013-5-14 -22966 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 210 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.8 2.5 40 1.5 [Not Available] PathVysion HER-2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Carcinoma NOS C50.9 8010/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
523E24A2-51B9-4658-BE2F-42E5FCCEBB17 TCGA-A7-A5ZW 2013-5-13 -17529 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 134 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
BA80DB4E-D899-4DA4-AE49-5263D98E1530 TCGA-A7-A5ZX 2013-5-13 -17683 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 132 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Bilateral skin sparing Mastectomy and Bilateral breast reconstruction with tissue expanders. [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
57AF5C72-0D60-4A6B-B1B4-EC6DAB90F80F TCGA-A7-A6VV 2013-10-22 -18695 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 181 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
98E709E7-E195-4B37-9537-F6081AFFB609 TCGA-A7-A6VW 2013-10-29 -17539 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 176 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
7EEA2B6E-771F-44C0-9350-38F45C8DBE87 TCGA-A7-A6VX 2013-10-29 -25066 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 169 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Immune Stain by GenPath Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Immune stain by GenPath Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
E8EA576B-EB16-44F7-B241-DAEFC1375388 TCGA-A7-A6VY 2013-10-25 -17640 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 125 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A7
3a711140-1b89-4611-9992-3861e3d0e01a TCGA-A8-A06N 2011-5-27 -24288 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
69054195-9e93-49e5-b820-69b0091cc2d4 TCGA-A8-A06O 2011-5-27 -22157 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 60 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
5f90d955-bbb0-4b44-a5ac-ba6fda9ca0fb TCGA-A8-A06P 2011-5-27 -23011 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
281f70c5-876f-44b3-84fb-f2302f85e74c TCGA-A8-A06Q 2011-5-27 -23164 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 63 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f3ba71f9-25f3-4784-bf2d-3aa522a0cba8 TCGA-A8-A06R 2011-5-27 -25477 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 547 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 69 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
2c04a2f5-321e-4dea-8e00-268325da65cb TCGA-A8-A06T 2011-5-27 -27393 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1249 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 75 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
6bc4c56d-aac5-49a2-9913-9538d06d898f TCGA-A8-A06U 2011-5-27 -29525 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 883 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 80 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
70931617-b3df-4a12-8e3f-2b2307602f48 TCGA-A8-A06X 2011-5-27 -28338 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 943 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 77 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
515b1400-e896-4f2a-81bd-70895441a0bd TCGA-A8-A06Y 2011-5-27 -24442 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 791 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
2399caeb-ead2-4003-af38-809db4ac2e2b TCGA-A8-A06Z 2011-5-27 -30984 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 84 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
7861a5f2-8910-4bcb-9c34-f79c5acd6e21 TCGA-A8-A075 2011-5-27 -15369 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 518 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 42 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
23dabeef-8e3c-44bc-9a12-a9522d17be5c TCGA-A8-A076 2011-5-27 -24230 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1642 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
31c31cce-1b4d-4f12-922f-84f389403170 TCGA-A8-A079 2011-5-27 -25294 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 274 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 69 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
b43e41af-1d82-4b5f-b8f1-add0510e6b86 TCGA-A8-A07B 2011-5-27 -25475 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1004 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 69 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
b6633c36-7ce4-4b69-9bf6-30b64d46c66f TCGA-A8-A07C 2011-5-27 -20820 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 580 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 57 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
853456d8-2367-404e-abc9-020fe8bbd209 TCGA-A8-A07E 2011-5-27 -29800 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 608 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 81 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
5d688049-f271-40ef-813a-d37240ffe21c TCGA-A8-A07F 2011-5-27 -23742 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 577 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 65 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
8cf8b620-7ab6-4b6e-84bc-ff5a83f381fa TCGA-A8-A07G 2011-5-27 -23926 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 577 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 65 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
566792ae-f853-4a47-856d-f02cdcfcb18a TCGA-A8-A07I 2011-5-27 -25263 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 426 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 69 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
316625b8-a217-4829-90d1-dfd9cb7e4bc3 TCGA-A8-A07J 2011-5-27 -12965 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 35 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
e89a9deb-6321-4e61-b412-b4993d4277dd TCGA-A8-A07L 2011-5-27 -21428 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 518 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 58 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
cf9db1af-17f0-490e-8139-142bd704763a TCGA-A8-A07O 2011-5-27 -18870 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 304 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 51 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
8cccf160-93e9-48a5-9b8b-54aa50153142 TCGA-A8-A07P 2011-5-27 -24929 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 334 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 68 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
72e486b8-a866-4916-b2e4-8b4bb5dcd92d TCGA-A8-A07R 2011-5-27 -29251 FEMALE [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 273 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 80 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
a20fa2c4-a502-47e3-bfaa-2ec4cce3a859 TCGA-A8-A07S 2011-5-27 -26998 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 243 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] lobular/ductal 2009 73 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
59bf0ce4-715a-4017-bccb-c59916e78324 TCGA-A8-A07U 2011-5-27 -24411 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 303 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
01263518-5f7c-49dc-8d7e-84b0c03a6a63 TCGA-A8-A07W 2011-5-25 -27942 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 304 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 76 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
a272171b-44f5-47a5-89be-7520413c01ad TCGA-A8-A07Z 2011-5-27 -31351 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 853 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 85 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
9d876f05-5080-4c4e-9bf5-45f631d381e5 TCGA-A8-A081 2011-5-27 -29555 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 80 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
5e4187c9-98f8-4bdb-a8da-6a914e96f47a TCGA-A8-A082 2011-5-27 -21338 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 549 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 58 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
afb9418e-91eb-4db1-aacf-12bd946c9ba0 TCGA-A8-A083 2011-5-27 -24746 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 67 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
3dbe99d1-e3b8-4ee2-b6a8-2e2e12c6fbe9 TCGA-A8-A084 2011-5-27 -29858 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes Yes WITH TUMOR Alive 458 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 81 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
3c08aabd-d5b5-4bbe-857c-38a7527b2163 TCGA-A8-A085 2011-5-27 -16377 MALE [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1124 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 44 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f9eb88f7-9293-46bf-ace4-a746e4ff80dc TCGA-A8-A086 2011-5-27 -21731 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 59 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
7fe4670d-4626-459d-869b-ab15f478c6a7 TCGA-A8-A08A 2011-5-27 -32750 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 89 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
d8d7a6c2-6427-4f47-968c-6c3affba4617 TCGA-A8-A08B 2011-5-27 -19114 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 702 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
78e1da41-127c-4e9c-aaaa-77a0d94c31d0 TCGA-A8-A08C 2011-5-27 -24017 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 608 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 65 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
0a017f15-1c6b-45e7-8d55-e0a71df1b2e8 TCGA-A8-A08F 2011-5-27 -21641 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 549 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 59 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
719082cc-1ebe-4a51-a659-85a59db1d77d TCGA-A8-A08G 2011-5-27 -14976 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 607 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 41 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
db8d38ab-cc61-49ee-863d-40060112f2af TCGA-A8-A08H 2011-5-27 -24137 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
7acf33e7-c386-45fd-8c9a-469600378687 TCGA-A8-A08I 2011-5-27 -19389 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 53 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
68177e92-4784-45d9-af14-4ce0c00eae74 TCGA-A8-A08J 2011-5-27 -19266 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1127 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 52 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8541/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
8bd68696-5eeb-46d7-9dc6-c39c849029a4 TCGA-A8-A08L 2011-5-27 -32842 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 30 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 89 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
5f5964a8-8e07-4620-98f0-93d162dbc31e TCGA-A8-A08O 2011-5-27 -16681 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 943 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 45 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f947d67f-4aa2-4eb9-977e-21a5ae563613 TCGA-A8-A08P 2011-5-27 -25598 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 943 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 70 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
6412854a-f874-469e-9d1f-8bd3ae5bd41d TCGA-A8-A08R 2011-5-27 -19298 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
2779fa01-ac93-4e80-a997-3385f72172c3 TCGA-A8-A08S 2011-5-27 -25994 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 580 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 71 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
32bc7cc4-d185-4594-bbee-4b96410be512 TCGA-A8-A08T 2011-5-27 -23560 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 2830 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 64 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f5539207-6534-4edc-a5a5-7666b5d16ba4 TCGA-A8-A08X 2011-5-27 -15705 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1034 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 43 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
d7808cbc-4b8c-467b-b2c3-f48d05b9ecab TCGA-A8-A08Z 2011-5-27 -28003 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1217 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 76 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f4b69043-4a67-48e3-a4d1-72a21ae2d175 TCGA-A8-A090 2011-5-27 -27121 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 74 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
f39edd06-1016-4e8e-a42e-12f7e699ddc5 TCGA-A8-A091 2011-5-27 -22554 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 580 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 61 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
38a8b734-9acc-42f9-b5b7-e51b0dfc6504 TCGA-A8-A092 2011-5-27 -17807 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 487 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 48 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
02f5ae33-a563-4ecb-9e33-dfa500a44931 TCGA-A8-A093 2011-5-27 -22373 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 546 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
993103b1-e5a1-4c33-8629-be53ebc41d64 TCGA-A8-A094 2011-5-27 -27729 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 75 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
29df128d-ace2-40cf-88ee-3f6f2170f159 TCGA-A8-A095 2011-5-27 -16742 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1277 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 45 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
d7cac141-9269-4733-83ce-e1bc0b503254 TCGA-A8-A096 2011-5-27 -26723 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 73 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
dcfd0b1d-5707-44a6-b225-5e8f7cea5ca1 TCGA-A8-A097 2011-5-27 -23741 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 65 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
e98b69bc-766a-485f-b5e8-9166b8d457b3 TCGA-A8-A099 2011-5-27 -28063 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 304 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 76 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
b205bba0-1870-4458-9088-8817e20389fe TCGA-A8-A09A 2011-5-27 -14883 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 304 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 40 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
3828b534-908e-4953-a3fb-07d01cf49c7d TCGA-A8-A09B 2011-5-27 -21520 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 58 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
80f3f48a-cc21-415c-b181-c77e7ba1c563 TCGA-A8-A09C 2011-5-27 -25355 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No [Not Available] Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 69 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
36449392-de76-4ee9-bc09-627a07e18727 TCGA-A8-A09D 2011-5-27 -17440 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 47 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
dfefb76a-ec6b-4cd2-9d45-2e1e4befc7ea TCGA-A8-A09E 2011-5-27 -26724 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes Yes WITH TUMOR Alive 943 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 73 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
3927f736-3b5c-48c8-9d9e-83669ec44770 TCGA-A8-A09G 2011-5-27 -29006 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 79 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
1557183c-aedd-4df6-b98a-3654667f7b69 TCGA-A8-A09I 2011-5-27 -30711 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1006 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 84 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
6f959c92-b79f-4f84-9ee5-d07d3212d52d TCGA-A8-A09K 2011-5-27 -24960 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 912 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 68 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
626b4ff0-2188-4a14-aac8-6703c624917f TCGA-A8-A09M 2011-5-27 -27455 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 457 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 75 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
33919e92-4ea9-47e5-a6f4-36e51845d50f TCGA-A8-A09N 2011-5-27 -21002 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 57 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
09c2bc35-c21f-4aa4-ac30-0d8db02ad811 TCGA-A8-A09Q 2011-5-27 -30528 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 761 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 83 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
cb0a2055-2168-4454-8755-47dd613db36f TCGA-A8-A09R 2011-5-27 -30196 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 273 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 82 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
0adf59c6-581a-475d-a2f4-40aa40060b5b TCGA-A8-A09T 2011-5-27 -25110 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 579 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 68 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
cc348a26-ee11-47a4-8b51-de922967e175 TCGA-A8-A09V 2011-5-27 -18628 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 457 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 51 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
452672e8-b6d9-45b5-bb02-e88e03e2dd66 TCGA-A8-A09W 2011-5-27 -25659 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 70 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
27b05b15-a44b-45ed-a6e3-e7d1ca488ea9 TCGA-A8-A09X 2011-5-27 -22858 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 426 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
81e7a3d3-be70-4834-8018-4d2cc077a4e6 TCGA-A8-A09Z 2011-5-27 -30590 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 83 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
3efa245d-177d-4ef9-94f7-f554c54e345e TCGA-A8-A0A1 2011-5-27 -30742 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 84 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
34d5a193-85e5-4399-8a9b-e92858eafdfe TCGA-A8-A0A2 2011-5-27 -24380 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 579 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 66 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
2cb8c866-9296-4c70-a3ea-f9a9b707895c TCGA-A8-A0A4 2011-5-27 -26693 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 73 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
4b0d295c-e185-4b52-9752-178e5bc1d47d TCGA-A8-A0A6 2011-5-27 -23404 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 640 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 64 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other surgical resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
995fdab7-7284-4d33-befa-ec22aa7c6479 TCGA-A8-A0A7 2011-5-27 -20940 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 57 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
7b605fb6-d077-401e-b870-b87ddf505f82 TCGA-A8-A0A9 2011-5-27 -29370 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 80 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
22eaba28-be67-4730-9846-860bc1fca29a TCGA-A8-A0AB 2011-5-27 -19814 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 518 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 54 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
af5453a9-cf1f-40de-aec4-0e0710908fb7 TCGA-A8-A0AD 2011-5-27 -30407 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1157 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] lobular/ductal 2007 83 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Other Surgical Resection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] A8
dfd0b7ba-c7d3-498e-b455-346301865452 TCGA-AC-A23C 2011-7-14 -22751 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 29 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AC
e7bae6e7-f779-449d-92b9-66996041e00d TCGA-AC-A23E 2011-7-18 -18500 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 72 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AC
A721DAC6-0126-476C-B2D4-2DBF7406454B TCGA-AC-A23G 2011-7-14 -27934 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 330 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Right Total Mastectomy and Sentinel Node Biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
7dcf550c-90ce-4f63-aecd-0e46897e2a3e TCGA-AC-A23H 2011-7-13 -32873 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AC
6E126B73-D3E8-4641-A128-306F3B313E40 TCGA-AC-A2B8 2011-9-12 -31003 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 45 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 84 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
6FA2A667-9C36-4526-8A58-1975E863A806 TCGA-AC-A2BK 2011-9-16 -28625 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1172 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AC
8159FF7B-89F4-411A-9B9C-491F1CB3EB34 TCGA-AC-A2BM 2011-9-12 -15212 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1162 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 41 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AC
02BBB632-0F7F-439D-B8F0-C86A06237424 TCGA-AC-A2FB 2011-9-20 -23851 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 44 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
F6EEBD4B-B63A-4A9C-92D3-0D954A8A6655 TCGA-AC-A2FE 2012-12-3 -22746 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 791 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2005 62 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
3CA67CD0-81DA-4F68-A9FA-F1A8C013C28D TCGA-AC-A2FF 2011-9-23 [Not Available] FEMALE [Not Available] ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1686 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
39CDA4C9-E1C8-44C2-BAB7-F5849C12F879 TCGA-AC-A2FG 2011-9-21 -29211 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1125 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
79126E88-9CF8-45FF-BF91-A98DA3B304D7 TCGA-AC-A2FK 2011-9-13 -16627 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1180 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
B6B1DC9A-91F4-4B0A-AFD5-62C9A90C0D5E TCGA-AC-A2FM 2012-2-22 -31805 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 792 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 87 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 YES AC
F5D4C2D3-CC69-4B38-8551-0917E3622A68 TCGA-AC-A2FO 2011-9-21 -23928 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1542 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
67C5F371-3FA9-47C5-8B15-C2DD9ACC8519 TCGA-AC-A2QH 2011-10-18 -21488 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO AC
C57835BE-77AB-4CF5-9B23-62C11A7B2EAF TCGA-AC-A2QI 2011-10-18 -27865 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 28 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
D9FD2724-7DB0-4AF3-AC14-217BDFA5203F TCGA-AC-A2QJ 2011-10-18 -17569 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 69 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO AC
048549CF-D0A5-4743-A0A1-2004F7CC2B08 TCGA-AC-A3BB 2012-2-3 -16983 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
FAC173A8-1613-4BD4-87BA-83A2CFE8A37D TCGA-AC-A3EH 2012-9-24 -29014 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 17 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 79 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8022/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
E37AE674-A107-4EB3-94D8-B86B0035A9F7 TCGA-AC-A3HN 2012-4-13 -32061 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 21 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 87 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
F2622CDB-AC92-42B3-A1CA-67E133C3DD4A TCGA-AC-A3OD 2012-4-19 -25186 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 35 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
6F4C8D30-47FB-47DF-9EB7-4E5881E3711E TCGA-AC-A3QP 2012-7-5 -29113 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 286 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.6 2.2 30 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
95CEF916-5545-455B-920C-773A54FC7676 TCGA-AC-A3QQ 2012-12-3 -19723 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Nipple Sparing Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
67C73260-A242-4BBA-87C5-D2302556DFF7 TCGA-AC-A3TM 2012-8-1 -18535 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 93 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 3.3 1.9 60 1.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
81B70C58-4A12-448C-A594-2ADE44F6A0AE TCGA-AC-A3TN 2012-8-1 -27421 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2012 75 Other method, specify: [Unknown] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AC
4C313E5B-4DC3-408E-8E92-22427F74743E TCGA-AC-A3W5 2012-9-24 -24029 FEMALE [Not Evaluated] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 55 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
1B4CFAD1-E353-4411-97B6-2B7B9309E95E TCGA-AC-A3W6 2012-9-24 -32872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
2481A671-760B-428C-968D-42E25FD42AC5 TCGA-AC-A3W7 2012-10-17 -24327 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 192 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
A45D296E-EFC0-479E-B2F6-BAD834668CDF TCGA-AC-A3YI 2012-10-8 -27143 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 47 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
86CF879E-3B40-44DD-AAA7-6F49F54A15D9 TCGA-AC-A3YJ 2012-10-3 -24439 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 40 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] Invasive Papillary Carcinoma 2012 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8050/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
0CF0D67C-2F7F-42A6-94F3-407D0EC46C88 TCGA-AC-A4ZE 2015-6-9 -23284 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 152 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
D13FB44B-291B-4EA4-920C-142DAA8D1989 TCGA-AC-A5EH 2013-7-12 -27964 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 63 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
01B9F68B-4DE4-4374-B4F2-8A0685E18153 TCGA-AC-A5EI 2013-7-12 -32375 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] Malignant Phyllodes Tumor 2012 88 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 9020/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
D9627184-B972-4E00-8C11-B0B946AC357A TCGA-AC-A5XS 2013-7-15 -27160 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 47 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
97677FD7-8523-48C5-A8CE-614FD4010551 TCGA-AC-A5XU 2013-7-15 -27191 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 9 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
D5F2B85A-94A9-4168-BBE8-149EC71342B0 TCGA-AC-A62V 2013-10-21 -21389 MALE [Not Evaluated] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 2 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
5B2A4F11-CA46-4974-9420-59B4820920BF TCGA-AC-A62X 2013-10-21 -26627 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
05AF737D-89AA-49B6-97B2-28B8AC8BD2CF TCGA-AC-A62Y 2013-9-19 -28876 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 55 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
8E11C5EC-C15A-48D4-85AC-B7B08A9ED827 TCGA-AC-A6IV 2013-9-19 -17521 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 36 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
8183F0FB-2303-4D7B-BCCD-55E5031FC7DF TCGA-AC-A6IW 2013-10-15 -26896 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 21 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
7486A2B3-B09F-4E9C-9864-8B51B58D9FB3 TCGA-AC-A6IX 2013-10-21 -17969 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 13 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
8D9B50D1-139B-4447-AE9C-E54764D9E2A7 TCGA-AC-A6NO 2014-4-10 -15996 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 51 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 43 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
56230E4A-29CA-4F37-A0F9-730DBDFB6FA2 TCGA-AC-A7VB 2014-2-26 -18806 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 74 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
2B36853F-34D3-47C5-BA6A-E5A93233D2B1 TCGA-AC-A7VC 2014-3-29 -20479 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
B9C6C069-2A2B-4CC7-A398-DC45C132D979 TCGA-AC-A8OP 2014-2-26 -26550 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 53 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
DFAABD03-2D40-4422-B210-CAF112FF4229 TCGA-AC-A8OQ 2014-2-26 -26535 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
8CD1BA0B-EAD9-4661-A796-6C9DBF1C42CD TCGA-AC-A8OR 2014-2-26 -27605 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 40 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
D5E655FE-3FBC-47B0-BA23-1D1DD01D591C TCGA-AC-A8OS 2014-2-26 -26248 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 70 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AC
88cd6ccc-70f7-436e-a99c-039b9d31e335 TCGA-AN-A03X 2010-12-28 -27163 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 74 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 200 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 200 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
a991644b-3ee6-4cda-acf0-e37de48a49fc TCGA-AN-A03Y 2010-12-29 -24232 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 66 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 210 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 210 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
316e021c-5175-4ab3-bdb6-2bf9683f657a TCGA-AN-A041 2011-4-1 -10812 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 29 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 170 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
dcd5860c-7e3a-44f3-a732-fe92fe3fe300 TCGA-AN-A046 2010-12-28 -25158 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 68 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 205 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 108 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
2e1e3bf0-1708-4b65-936c-48b89eb8966a TCGA-AN-A049 2010-12-29 -22710 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 19 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 62 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 80 Allred (Biocare) Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 2+ 100 Allred (Biocare) Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Dako Hercept test [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
e5aae05a-478e-4a55-a27c-12b2b4be302a TCGA-AN-A04A 2010-12-29 -13445 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 90 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 36 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 2+ 112 Allred (Biocare) Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 1+ 87 Allred (Biocare) Negative [Not Available] 0 0 Dako Hercept test [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
66072c06-f251-4f0b-b6ae-12b407c52cc6 TCGA-AN-A04C 2010-12-29 -18851 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 54 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 51 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 0 Allred (Biocare) Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 0 Allred (Biocare) Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Dako Hecept Test [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
49717f75-0f2d-4e1c-9a12-f1cd7877b80a TCGA-AN-A04D 2010-12-20 -21426 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 52 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 0 Allred (Biocare) Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 0 Allred (Biocare) Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Dako Hercept Test [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
9646160a-f1f9-437b-8c7d-efb0b57bfb97 TCGA-AN-A0AJ 2010-12-20 -29131 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 244 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 79 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ 230 dextran coated charcoal Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ 120 dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
9e894662-b718-40f8-8899-b5e036cfbd76 TCGA-AN-A0AK 2010-12-21 -27977 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 224 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 76 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ 230 dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 70-79% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
3e9f93c0-aa79-4b4c-bd6c-b3325912362a TCGA-AN-A0AL 2010-12-21 -15286 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 198 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 41 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
00a2d166-78c9-4687-a195-3d6315c27574 TCGA-AN-A0AM 2010-12-28 -20713 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 205 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
ebc460c2-df88-4dc0-a2c0-aca8072b75ad TCGA-AN-A0AR 2010-12-28 -20152 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
7c2a8440-0206-4039-8474-8d62f6c7de0c TCGA-AN-A0AS 2010-12-28 -25658 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 70 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 190 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
05506f4c-e701-4a9d-ae06-97f066aade43 TCGA-AN-A0AT 2010-12-28 -22798 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
c6086936-7544-4da0-8c0c-114166848483 TCGA-AN-A0FD 2010-12-20 -26007 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 196 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 60-69% 2+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
d5cab7f5-e4f1-40ee-a0c8-4c8004c1c9a0 TCGA-AN-A0FF 2010-12-27 -11929 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 172 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 32 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
546248b0-22a0-4b70-a437-76fb0a238a0d TCGA-AN-A0FJ 2010-12-27 -21910 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 242 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 40-49% 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
2f4cbedf-ed7e-45a2-bf34-f1d1e696bdde TCGA-AN-A0FK 2010-12-20 -32462 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 213 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 88 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ 230 dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ 230 dextran coated charcoal Positive 20-29% 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
baf1207d-7d1a-4cad-ba58-62c26be2415e TCGA-AN-A0FL 2010-12-28 -22805 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 231 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 20-29% 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
c2a742fe-3e8b-4210-85a6-7191a1123609 TCGA-AN-A0FN 2010-12-28 -22629 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 218 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ 250 dextran coated charcoal Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 20-29% 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
10c9be1e-2cc0-45e4-8d2c-c013ea63ef05 TCGA-AN-A0FS 2010-12-20 -20352 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 191 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ 230 dextran coated charcoal Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 20-29% 1+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
baf5e81f-2322-41ec-9053-b9559a7993bc TCGA-AN-A0FT 2010-12-28 -23300 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 183 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] 230 dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] dextran coated charcoal [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
2e8e70f2-c781-44c2-8f12-1f8c2f536aa3 TCGA-AN-A0FV 2010-12-28 -21479 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
e112b452-8850-4353-bfed-0dbdc243290b TCGA-AN-A0FW 2010-12-28 -24692 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 11 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 67 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 180 [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
13b860c3-8048-4dc9-9eb0-7480bc660837 TCGA-AN-A0FX 2010-11-28 -19309 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
de75d0b9-0f47-4732-8df5-05c350cfcd32 TCGA-AN-A0FY 2010-12-29 -20347 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 80 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 110 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
8240c4ae-f878-4882-aa07-7857c7ac52cf TCGA-AN-A0FZ 2010-12-29 -16533 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 120 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
96312510-c126-485d-8109-ed81844a1dc3 TCGA-AN-A0G0 2010-12-29 -20504 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 16 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AN
4649dee3-b668-44cd-ab97-3834de3ef8f8 TCGA-AN-A0XL 2011-3-25 -22341 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 130 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 60 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
4e3699da-4367-4a43-9d66-a117d3ad460d TCGA-AN-A0XN 2011-3-25 -25029 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 68 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 170 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
195b6731-6ae6-416e-a345-0eb8874a0ca2 TCGA-AN-A0XO 2011-5-1 -21640 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 375 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 180 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
cf0e7e4e-b857-4db5-9ae2-551a899f77be TCGA-AN-A0XP 2011-3-25 -25305 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 9 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 69 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 260 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 140 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
f51af6db-2655-47fb-9ffc-83a503a728ea TCGA-AN-A0XR 2011-3-25 -20381 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 160 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
95e949d3-b1f3-46c6-9451-8fe92c99e4cf TCGA-AN-A0XS 2011-3-28 -23358 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 160 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
3e25056d-d137-49f5-abaa-f68509426600 TCGA-AN-A0XT 2011-3-28 -19794 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 120 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
a1da9db1-db11-4f4d-a249-c738db81b87e TCGA-AN-A0XU 2011-3-28 -20052 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 10 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
ac18b3a3-8d52-4e35-8625-673171a7fd92 TCGA-AN-A0XV 2011-3-29 -24779 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 162 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 67 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] 270 H dextran coated charcoal Positive 30-39% 3 Point Scale 1+ 90 H dextran coated charcoal Positive 60-69% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
39de7761-e762-4811-b95c-8216b79ae06b TCGA-AN-A0XW 2011-3-29 -13208 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 170 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 36 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ 240 H dextran coated charcoal Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ 240 H dextran coated charcoal Positive 60-69% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AN
1174f6e4-ffbe-4e59-a000-8d861c968369 TCGA-AO-A03L 2010-12-7 -12443 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2442 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 34 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 47 63 30 1.0 [Not Available] >= 2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
095c7985-3842-494f-b591-706ad1cd2133 TCGA-AO-A03M 2011-1-9 -10616 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1455 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 29 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 30-39% 2+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] >= 2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
9435447e-d65f-408b-863b-6576b1d652dd TCGA-AO-A03N 2011-1-13 -21816 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1645 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
1111fb30-46ce-4722-98da-ec9ba2323d90 TCGA-AO-A03O 2010-9-19 -25362 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2483 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >10% STAINING = POSITIVE Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >10% STAINING = POSITIVE [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Negative 73 68 29 1.1 [Not Available] > = 2.0 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
2d4c778c-7f77-4f0a-8261-2086accf15fd TCGA-AO-A03P 2010-9-19 -19724 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 2576 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
2e82e576-3095-4aee-9853-65f676647c34 TCGA-AO-A03R 2010-9-19 -20930 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1707 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 105 70 28 1.5 [Not Available] Ratio >=2.0 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
dd6b64a8-d546-4fd1-bbbd-ac9703791cae TCGA-AO-A03T 2010-9-19 -15540 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1187 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
0685edd2-ce1c-4e0e-8dda-393139af4223 TCGA-AO-A03U 2011-1-9 -11354 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1793 [Not Available] [Not Available] secretory 2001 31 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8502/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
a6cb373a-1604-4e25-bd81-da6c3e4f06ee TCGA-AO-A03V 2011-1-9 -15284 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 886 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
d2f2560c-ec80-4fea-9474-c47a2e85ea95 TCGA-AO-A0J2 2010-9-19 -15324 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 585 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 30-39% 2+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Negative 3.5 2.4 40 1.5 [Not Available] RATIO > 2.2 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
39cde586-df95-435f-b9a6-73b0c0ee5e92 TCGA-AO-A0J3 2010-9-19 -24519 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 302 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] neuroendocrine and ductal 2009 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 2.4 2.6 40 0.9 [Not Available] Ratio >=2.2 Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
a9b7d7fe-be31-4f71-afee-c1bfdf511888 TCGA-AO-A0J4 2010-9-19 -15052 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 294 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
c1442467-d618-435f-8792-b1a18f696f1a TCGA-AO-A0J5 2010-12-7 -17815 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No Yes WITH TUMOR Alive 735 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/micropapillary 2008 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Lung|Bone|Liver [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 71 64 25 1.1 >2.2 Positive [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
e9f4f373-37a5-48ad-a1a0-b0d47820111a TCGA-AO-A0J6 2010-9-19 -22462 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 775 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 61 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
9536bec0-dae0-4d63-a1b3-956741835243 TCGA-AO-A0J7 2010-9-19 -26281 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 261 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal & Mucinous 2009 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
02bf5203-f9cd-4c5a-97b4-e5584dc22325 TCGA-AO-A0J8 2010-9-19 -22284 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 277 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
a4903de8-6cf5-4541-8ec7-065beace8b44 TCGA-AO-A0J9 2010-9-19 -22642 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1256 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 149 127 33 1.2 [Not Available] RATIO >EQUAL 2.0 Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
86b7b206-8e69-432d-acc9-bccce710955e TCGA-AO-A0JA 2010-9-19 -13307 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 346 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 36 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
3ea9412b-429e-4dcf-90cd-c53be06885a1 TCGA-AO-A0JB 2010-9-19 -18561 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1150 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
03565036-b6d3-432f-8d9a-7099818e0788 TCGA-AO-A0JC 2010-9-20 -23404 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1547 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
0a229f95-0ea1-4d63-953e-74f5ec2f3028 TCGA-AO-A0JD 2010-9-20 -21831 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1813 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Negative 68 49 20 1.4 [Not Available] RATIO > = 2.0 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
36fe6152-f61e-4948-9ccc-23ac01a9d77d TCGA-AO-A0JE 2010-9-20 -19516 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1966 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% 3+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Positive 269 71 33 3.8 [Not Available] RATIO > = 2.0 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
f357fe19-5359-4662-8ce9-aa996132283b TCGA-AO-A0JF 2010-9-20 -24923 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 354 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
58959e88-54e2-4558-9664-2effda7403dc TCGA-AO-A0JG 2010-9-20 -18021 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 449 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal & Mucinous 2009 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
e17c565c-9857-4df3-a352-903b53093c85 TCGA-AO-A0JI 2010-12-7 -20694 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1172 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
bef7b135-a727-45e8-850a-cc4cd56c49aa TCGA-AO-A0JJ 2010-9-20 -19758 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1512 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
d5d8e76e-2f2a-49bc-ba0a-d51283611b16 TCGA-AO-A0JL 2010-9-20 -21895 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1319 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Positive 131 50 21 2.6 [Not Available] RATIO > = 2.0 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
44bec761-b603-49c0-8634-f6bfe0319bb1 TCGA-AO-A0JM 2010-9-20 -14653 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1826 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3+ [Not Available] 3+ POSITIVE Positive 366 74 30 5.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
b094e8b2-8ece-4b36-8025-18073a8b873c TCGA-AO-A124 2010-12-7 -14174 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3120 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] mucinous & Ductal 2002 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
8577ffcb-242e-40e2-98d4-2831d952be34 TCGA-AO-A125 2010-12-7 -26466 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3019 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Papillary Carcinoma 2002 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Other, specify C50.9 8050/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
cc0902fd-a2fc-4327-929e-d4219e32e1d7 TCGA-AO-A126 2010-12-7 -14264 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2850 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 74 69 30 1.1 [Not Available] >=2.2 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
016caf42-4e19-4444-ab5d-6cf1e76c4afa TCGA-AO-A128 2010-12-7 -22340 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2877 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 61 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 52 49 30 1.0 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
c70ee5e1-4703-4996-bb5c-f4cca0fb53ba TCGA-AO-A129 2010-12-8 -10898 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2923 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 29 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 52 49 31 1.0 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
99927651-34be-4795-893a-128d8a1fdb30 TCGA-AO-A12A 2010-12-8 -17420 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2755 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 61 58 30 1.0 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
f6ed684f-ee7a-496c-80d5-6eacd494d16a TCGA-AO-A12B 2010-12-8 -23150 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2359 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
71626753-cc34-4731-abc0-ae188b0964e7 TCGA-AO-A12C 2010-12-8 -15469 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1994 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Negative 125 78 30 1.6 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
2fe854b4-bac9-4801-9a1c-ee99388e8082 TCGA-AO-A12D 2010-12-8 -15774 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1948 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive Positive 441 66 32 6.7 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
2cbeadff-a8a3-4787-9d4e-f6b74c3ab5d9 TCGA-AO-A12E 2010-12-8 -18721 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1743 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
495f9eda-b9be-4eef-bae1-766a4bfbd68e TCGA-AO-A12F 2010-12-8 -13409 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1471 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 36 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
58c56d4b-3f85-4aad-a779-5f9e1791677d TCGA-AO-A12G 2010-12-8 -27705 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1266 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] pleomorphic infiltrating lobular carcinoma 2006 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 66 67 23 1.0 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Other, specify C50.9 8022/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
b5b99291-507e-4b68-a039-9a0f571f55df TCGA-AO-A12H 2010-12-8 -25515 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 863 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] MUCINOUS & PAPILLARY 2008 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] 3+ Positive [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AO
c25898b4-eb33-42f4-bf3f-bf532a929e7d TCGA-AO-A1KO 2011-4-1 -16817 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 448 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 46 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AO
3aaabc62-f5a4-4025-9b29-5adf82c86c84 TCGA-AO-A1KP 2011-4-1 -28247 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2513 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] >=2.0 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AO
d2219a3f-4c55-4dee-9b08-c6f330dd1acf TCGA-AO-A1KQ 2011-4-1 -30859 MALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1519 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 84 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AO
b7f74ae1-6f58-447c-be50-a7666eb19d9a TCGA-AO-A1KR 2011-9-15 -18900 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2141 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 4 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AO
bb8d42d3-ad65-4d88-ae1d-f9aadfc7962d TCGA-AO-A1KS 2011-4-1 -25230 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 16 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 3.2 40 1.0 [Not Available] Positive >2.2 Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AO
1f8f87cb-8a0b-474c-97fb-c71b4fd88d97 TCGA-AO-A1KT 2011-4-1 -28660 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO [Discrepancy] No TUMOR FREE Alive 541 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 4 Point Scale 4+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.4 1.7 40 1.4 [Not Available] >2.2 Positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AO
83f943c7-3975-4b4f-985d-9c057741793b TCGA-AQ-A04H 2010-12-15 -22539 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 439 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] >10% [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] >10% [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 30 3.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
9938ce5c-e74e-446e-a932-f096f85cc3b1 TCGA-AQ-A04J 2010-10-15 -16615 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 160 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
78582fbc-dcc7-48ae-9f95-5271c9bc5b72 TCGA-AQ-A04L 2010-12-15 -17759 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3359 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 48 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
d0b78f3f-a198-437a-ab8c-204345d3b75d TCGA-AQ-A0Y5 2011-4-7 -25793 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes Yes TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 172 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 3.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AQ
4d120899-9a80-4736-b097-285e9e261bcb TCGA-AQ-A1H2 2011-4-20 -30958 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 230 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 84 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 2.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AQ
82ec33dd-e783-4c74-9a87-797a699e11df TCGA-AQ-A1H3 2011-4-20 -18177 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 162 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO AQ
58090433-D8D1-4499-A235-810C3E9D5B74 TCGA-AQ-A54N 2013-2-26 -18741 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 78 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2011 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
35CA5E2A-861A-4DD2-A4CE-D294CF080DA3 TCGA-AQ-A54O 2013-2-26 -18694 MALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 665 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 51 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
19015644-9C17-4AE7-A656-0FE8623C04AE TCGA-AQ-A7U7 2013-12-18 -20239 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 304 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other L Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AQ
ab89bb2e-da84-4116-a8cd-49aad7bbfd4d TCGA-AR-A0TP 2011-2-25 -15812 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2521 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
5dc1bee9-c44d-4fdc-9ae5-83426c4d6880 TCGA-AR-A0TQ 2011-3-7 -9873 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1500 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 27 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
d1703dbd-5c93-4cf2-a4d1-0d90640882bd TCGA-AR-A0TR 2011-3-8 -25190 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 160 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 68 Other method, specify: Biopsy not specified Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
972447aa-4332-47e7-bddd-2eb699dbb664 TCGA-AR-A0TS 2011-3-8 -17141 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1138 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
13ca97a1-75bb-4a49-b8c3-181e5b2c9e86 TCGA-AR-A0TT 2011-3-8 -19679 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1730 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
dfe6db17-cf45-488e-bd3c-b8433d7343ca TCGA-AR-A0TU 2011-3-10 -13039 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 360 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 35 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
6439621e-da61-4723-91cc-c5d87d0a4abc TCGA-AR-A0TV 2011-3-10 -24279 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 905 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
8da3d6cf-381b-4d1b-93fa-41fd9d2b2e66 TCGA-AR-A0TW 2011-3-10 -18263 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 739 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
c364e81c-eb1e-4870-ab37-9c661f5f2e3d TCGA-AR-A0TX 2011-3-10 -23653 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 15 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
da1c58a7-c6bd-47d9-95c2-8d2ac70e20e4 TCGA-AR-A0TY 2011-3-10 -19836 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1699 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
c7c34fd9-3021-45b7-b6ff-30b4196585a8 TCGA-AR-A0TZ 2011-3-7 -15720 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2316 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
e3c336f5-c32f-4c5d-81fb-e2408ae145b2 TCGA-AR-A0U0 2011-3-7 -26993 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 8 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
17d9e646-6ab3-40b3-a0bc-2c834d3c3213 TCGA-AR-A0U1 2011-2-28 -13467 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2134 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 36 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
9ad603dc-3fd0-44f5-ae4e-64eeb1ae8d6d TCGA-AR-A0U2 2011-2-24 -17390 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2551 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 47 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone|Liver [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
c5f00132-1c6b-4337-af6f-596c652665cc TCGA-AR-A0U3 2011-2-25 -21755 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2317 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
71f97b63-c970-44ee-98c2-e02e663d5a40 TCGA-AR-A0U4 2011-3-10 -19729 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1684 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
a6e11b30-3ae8-4dd1-b04c-a730c6a79746 TCGA-AR-A1AH 2011-6-13 -18991 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2298 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
9848307d-1bd5-40c1-b655-a33297aaf74f TCGA-AR-A1AI 2011-6-15 -17229 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1881 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 47 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
23e7a78a-1d56-4ad1-9bb4-72ec0178aff2 TCGA-AR-A1AJ 2011-6-13 -30489 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1605 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 83 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
94b03e1d-50ec-4680-bffd-7086d1536ff2 TCGA-AR-A1AK 2011-6-15 -25825 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1559 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
1f99e4d4-4e8b-4cc1-a129-227a2a82780e TCGA-AR-A1AL 2011-6-15 -22023 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1485 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
EBD1512A-4865-4193-97B3-F599D555759A TCGA-AR-A1AM 2012-11-20 -19123 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1903 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2006 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
43029932-feb0-4658-97fa-645c1e775009 TCGA-AR-A1AN 2011-6-14 -16974 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1330 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide Local Excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
623befd6-0ca4-4a6c-9cf5-d9385c3b718f TCGA-AR-A1AO 2011-6-13 -17332 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1325 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
9495f029-9882-4c9b-a557-b3aec9e91698 TCGA-AR-A1AP 2011-6-13 -29406 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1216 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
98e0b4de-52fc-4945-9bf5-11e29368f939 TCGA-AR-A1AQ 2011-6-14 -18109 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1310 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
eda6d2d5-4199-4f76-a45b-1d0401b4e54c TCGA-AR-A1AR 2011-6-28 -18482 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 524 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
7d681cc6-689d-41c8-9e84-e13733089ec9 TCGA-AR-A1AS 2011-6-14 -20028 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1150 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
4d26dada-5eb7-4d4e-8eb8-f5465c5c3428 TCGA-AR-A1AT 2011-6-14 -22942 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1272 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
36220587-1c1c-4f92-b177-3b2155e7e273 TCGA-AR-A1AU 2011-6-14 -14564 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1409 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
daf62b56-6dd2-4ab7-adaa-f296bb86a0a5 TCGA-AR-A1AV 2011-6-14 -24875 MALE [Not Available] WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1295 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
a12fd22a-7f84-4b6e-b6d8-012e38eb73d7 TCGA-AR-A1AW 2011-6-14 -23855 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1072 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 65 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
f72c1d69-da35-459f-8542-59bfd6c09c23 TCGA-AR-A1AX 2011-6-14 -23507 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1103 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
5fd9552a-c742-4388-940d-295d1107ae00 TCGA-AR-A1AY 2011-6-14 -23927 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 615 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide Local Excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
6f89509c-f802-482e-b4da-94553aa76fe9 TCGA-AR-A24H 2011-8-29 -24046 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 3333 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
599c3701-df7a-4a75-a347-fa9b510dd242 TCGA-AR-A24K 2011-8-12 -16961 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1548 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] No value Given Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
de646f6a-6d50-4be2-b3cd-f17554b234df TCGA-AR-A24L 2011-8-12 -9706 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2221 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 26 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
aa30ac3d-4216-45dd-a314-1ae192fafcb2 TCGA-AR-A24M 2011-8-12 -14119 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1991 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed invasive ductal and invasive lobular 2005 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
30047d32-0833-4aca-98d1-3b9ab7122863 TCGA-AR-A24N 2011-8-16 -19989 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2074 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
125b0a9a-6cbe-4207-9178-e7ff03487e87 TCGA-AR-A24O 2011-8-16 -15977 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1998 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Lobular carcinoma with ductal features 2005 43 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
d1fd8ed2-be13-4272-b31e-df86911db3b1 TCGA-AR-A24P 2011-8-16 -17490 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 26 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
28e9048a-e540-42de-a1f4-4ef894fccc4c TCGA-AR-A24Q 2011-8-30 -18084 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 2009 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
db62d9c7-8343-4771-84fc-146d2e307bb8 TCGA-AR-A24R 2011-8-26 -16642 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1746 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
074e8b06-3929-4896-9263-3b80ad6a355b TCGA-AR-A24S 2011-8-30 -22587 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1888 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
9e3de467-fb0d-4021-89f8-b34968a7c7bc TCGA-AR-A24T 2011-8-30 -17135 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1620 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
241fffc8-4250-4cfa-b2e7-e68c33ae07dc TCGA-AR-A24U 2011-8-26 -17523 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1623 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
3cb06c7a-f2a8-448b-91a8-dd201bbf2ddd TCGA-AR-A24V 2011-8-29 -19027 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1648 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
67526f5a-3a30-45b2-aeab-2b21a855063e TCGA-AR-A24W 2011-11-10 -20123 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1550 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
491d5ebb-e9ab-4b17-acb8-630ff9fef0f2 TCGA-AR-A24X 2011-8-30 -19030 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1465 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed invasive ductal and invasive lobular 2006 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
9fefbe7c-f66a-4940-843e-285cb7b392c1 TCGA-AR-A24Z 2011-8-30 -20900 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Alive 1574 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
a0963e93-b63e-4de2-86c1-81302e271d3e TCGA-AR-A250 2011-8-30 -21309 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1708 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision and simple mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
8c51bbcb-7c8d-47ad-9193-70ca157c6900 TCGA-AR-A251 2011-8-30 -18771 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1374 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
4d0fec97-e024-4608-a0cc-426a3decc7b1 TCGA-AR-A252 2011-8-30 -18611 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1236 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
6014a582-d22e-46e1-9000-c8e2fbad7acf TCGA-AR-A254 2011-8-31 -18270 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1212 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Other method, specify: Wide local incision Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
e8f3cc64-5e15-4f4d-b73e-5c9b250a664c TCGA-AR-A255 2011-8-31 -22809 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1059 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
d3d545b3-457f-4389-821f-704cb24aff7f TCGA-AR-A256 2011-8-31 -16642 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 2854 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 45 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
E3FCBF94-D3EF-4A37-AA45-5297F96AF9EB TCGA-AR-A2LE 2012-1-12 -25499 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 3913 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
376FFE63-EFD7-42AF-90E1-261255B28BB7 TCGA-AR-A2LH 2012-1-12 -20288 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 616 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone|Liver [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 YES AR
738E1ACC-1F0C-4A96-9C8A-222727EF5AF8 TCGA-AR-A2LJ 2012-1-12 -14723 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1359 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
1B703058-E596-45BC-80FE-8B98D545C2E2 TCGA-AR-A2LK 2012-1-25 -22800 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1304 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide local excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
70FC011C-0F22-4026-9D72-87351126203A TCGA-AR-A2LL 2012-2-14 -25747 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 224 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
0BF6E772-1AA1-4F54-9A50-C1414E2F22F3 TCGA-AR-A2LM 2012-1-12 -18053 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1218 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
A076F135-BE82-40FA-8516-285ED355C965 TCGA-AR-A2LN 2012-1-12 -23992 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 520 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
AD0FA961-C085-4F38-B3DB-5FC0CBF6B64F TCGA-AR-A2LO 2012-1-12 -17080 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 633 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
4229E432-6AC5-49D2-B58A-E8713DDB79BD TCGA-AR-A2LQ 2012-1-12 -21865 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 516 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO AR
D093173F-08AB-4138-BF3C-399C45A6E163 TCGA-AR-A2LR 2012-2-14 -18214 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 620 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO AR
9C895825-D6F6-4D14-A662-23212200F6E5 TCGA-AR-A5QM 2013-5-15 -22780 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1440 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2008 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide Excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
077506EA-8F11-405D-BB8E-3C9924FE54D0 TCGA-AR-A5QN 2013-5-15 -25089 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 396 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
3C275152-D04B-440C-9621-2FC05EA977B6 TCGA-AR-A5QP 2013-5-15 -19805 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 439 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 54 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
3AF31FCF-AD0C-4FD9-A8E3-10F9176B5E9D TCGA-AR-A5QQ 2013-5-15 -24841 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 322 YES YES Squamous (metaplastic) carcinoma 2011 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] AR
5DD423E8-FEAA-4568-A750-500948C41D6C TCGA-B6-A0I1 2012-1-11 -26902 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2361 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 73 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] image cytometry Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] image cytometry [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
328dfcb0-b5ae-43f2-bc87-dad0ab3df9e7 TCGA-B6-A0I2 2010-11-2 -16702 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3827 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 45 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
1a18974d-967c-4727-b42e-12ae7be66589 TCGA-B6-A0I5 2010-11-2 -18038 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4550 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1988 49 Other method, specify: biopsy, NOS Other biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
045c13ef-3db7-4adf-b0a3-23338f0479f3 TCGA-B6-A0I6 2010-11-2 -18014 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 991 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1990 49 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
6e6408d6-6c48-4dfc-9f1c-28b7386e87b4 TCGA-B6-A0I8 2010-11-2 -17073 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 749 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1992 46 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
44954053-0b93-4577-a436-42777e442300 TCGA-B6-A0I9 2010-11-2 -22798 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 362 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1992 62 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS [Not Available] [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
0807435a-e75e-4e04-8e45-ed0cd49a841a TCGA-B6-A0IA 2010-11-2 -18748 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 6719 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/Cribiform 1992 51 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
157ec9e0-ca6e-4da1-9233-f976cf0db433 TCGA-B6-A0IB 2010-11-2 -23646 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 3941 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1992 64 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Other, specify Skin Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
b804f7ae-da8f-4414-be11-f880f1859160 TCGA-B6-A0IC 2010-11-2 -32872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Invasive Papillary 1992 90 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
3f834fa7-6d7b-4b85-98c0-5c55d55b6c95 TCGA-B6-A0IE 2010-11-2 -13982 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1993 [Not Available] [Not Available] Lobular/Ductal 1995 38 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Wide re-excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
34ab0cb8-bf19-4cbb-b4eb-3c45ee5aa60b TCGA-B6-A0IG 2010-11-2 -18433 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 4456 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1994 50 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
2476dda9-da2a-4242-9642-b92b8b9b1c79 TCGA-B6-A0IH 2011-3-15 -29907 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 2965 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 81 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
2c86c3ea-d926-4d39-a5ae-39ece4774287 TCGA-B6-A0IJ 2010-11-2 -15625 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5383 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 42 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
0491063c-14a7-4104-8002-1459126332f3 TCGA-B6-A0IK 2010-11-2 -23150 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 571 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1994 63 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
5a4b7098-1f6a-49e9-b364-29d6d34f5bd5 TCGA-B6-A0IM 2010-11-2 -27557 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3836 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/cribiform 1997 75 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
16a8d916-ad46-4690-b1a5-3b2b323f4336 TCGA-B6-A0IN 2010-11-2 -16705 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2573 [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal with mucinous features 1996 45 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
04af44fc-c487-4005-b3cb-cb64815824a2 TCGA-B6-A0IO 2010-11-2 -24322 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3350 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
1402082d-25c9-4148-8a1e-f58450b706bb TCGA-B6-A0IP 2010-11-2 -27047 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3374 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1997 74 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IMAGE ANALYSIS Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IMAGE ANALYSIS [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
01eef340-598c-4205-a990-cec190ac2ca5 TCGA-B6-A0IQ 2010-11-2 -14669 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3872 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 40 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
08da7c4c-3067-4bcf-9d7a-78566df72e69 TCGA-B6-A0RE 2010-11-2 -22449 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 6435 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1989 61 Other method, specify: [Unknown] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Unknown] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Unknown] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
9b13927c-7357-44fd-8385-92ae6a656b7d TCGA-B6-A0RG 2010-11-2 -9840 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2082 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1991 26 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
c3148e68-1739-4334-abda-1dcbc2166846 TCGA-B6-A0RH 2011-3-15 -18759 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5749 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1991 51 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Immunohistochemistry Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Immunohistochemistry [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
bfd55808-dddd-44c3-97d7-41600497b992 TCGA-B6-A0RI 2010-11-2 -16138 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 6796 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1992 44 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] IHC [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
5562455d-bbb8-46eb-a510-e8c6e1e26789 TCGA-B6-A0RL 2010-11-2 -22238 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2469 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1993 60 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
151f3677-6854-4265-9126-d92c646c67ae TCGA-B6-A0RM 2010-11-2 -21047 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2373 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1993 57 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
2199b7a1-bd47-4bb5-b36a-a3e291e3e259 TCGA-B6-A0RN 2010-11-2 -22077 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5261 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1993 60 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
0b172e29-6166-4863-803d-a0a010887c11 TCGA-B6-A0RO 2010-11-2 -26269 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4929 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1993 71 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
451e1a67-47e6-4738-99d7-fb7771ef61a3 TCGA-B6-A0RP 2010-11-2 -26941 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 3126 [Not Available] [Not Available] ductal/lobular 1994 73 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
caa9b533-24b4-4ecd-9159-c165de049f6a TCGA-B6-A0RQ 2011-3-15 -25010 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 4267 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1994 68 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
9416ff9b-6f29-4554-b04d-b537a3ae3969 TCGA-B6-A0RS 2010-11-2 -14134 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 3063 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1988 38 Other method, specify: Biopsy, NOS Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
4bf50455-9ab7-4521-a791-089f66d3b877 TCGA-B6-A0RT 2010-11-3 -14374 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2721 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 39 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
6956473b-92e5-4069-a26b-b48e280e76f2 TCGA-B6-A0RU 2010-11-2 -14920 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7067 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/Metaplastic 1990 40 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
cd3faa15-743c-476f-ab0d-f205b14126b6 TCGA-B6-A0RV 2010-11-2 -15507 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4788 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Lobular/Ductal 1996 42 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
197741de-a098-4f04-bb37-8ea8b3bb39bc TCGA-B6-A0WS 2011-3-15 -21230 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2965 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 58 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
d7195183-9fe4-4b17-bcfd-9367d2e539ce TCGA-B6-A0WT 2010-12-14 -22362 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5396 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 61 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
7588a286-6935-424a-bc5f-92e24c83eb37 TCGA-B6-A0WV 2010-12-14 -24803 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2417 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 67 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
f02931f8-d72a-481d-b532-8b141dab115f TCGA-B6-A0WW 2010-12-14 -21479 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 558 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1997 58 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
a482fc4c-ff1d-46a0-a968-7df06422cc4b TCGA-B6-A0WX 2010-12-14 -14784 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 639 [Not Available] [Not Available] Pleomorphic/lobular 1998 40 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
f475d460-75cd-4fe9-aa54-c90be12b4ef8 TCGA-B6-A0WY 2010-12-14 -14778 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 3461 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
08740d7f-5a5e-4dfa-bd48-7fbf228a7a28 TCGA-B6-A0WZ 2010-12-14 -18584 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3941 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 50 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Fine Needle aspiration biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
1e68e760-a4cf-4100-bf9c-e50fa8d126f6 TCGA-B6-A0X0 2011-3-15 -19802 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 3945 [Not Available] [Not Available] Cribiform 1996 54 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.919 8201/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
178b2c48-c07d-422e-ae17-8bcfd996ad51 TCGA-B6-A0X1 2010-12-14 -17624 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5677 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1994 48 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
4e42fdc5-2a8b-49e9-87ef-6db7a6692d08 TCGA-B6-A0X4 2010-12-14 -22688 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 860 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 62 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
4e6edfe6-adcb-4c12-8ff4-38a79f5887e8 TCGA-B6-A0X5 2010-12-14 -22380 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2097 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 61 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
5b9a5cd2-5ec8-48a0-b9f2-da9bede0b089 TCGA-B6-A0X7 2010-12-14 -22723 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1781 [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/Lobular 1994 62 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Image Analysis [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
1502c7d7-1535-4e56-9f34-30623acd50d5 TCGA-B6-A1KC 2011-7-19 -24791 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1326 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 49 fmol/mg protein image cytometry Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] image cytometry Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO B6
f30eb65f-fb44-4062-ac39-a38d072f655f TCGA-B6-A1KF 2011-7-19 -24891 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3088 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 68 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 60-69% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO B6
1dafdd64-527d-4d46-bbdf-7a97774f881b TCGA-B6-A1KI 2011-7-19 -23031 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1463 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Excisional biospy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 288 fmol/mg image cytometry Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 70 fmol/mg image cytometry Equivocal 90-99% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.8 3.1 60 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO B6
271404de-24e8-43f6-806b-fb510c1124c4 TCGA-B6-A1KN 2011-7-19 -21183 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 3330 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO B6
9857BE0C-AECA-4A43-90B1-0535BD08E086 TCGA-B6-A2IU 2012-1-11 -22905 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 4840 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] image cytometry Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] image cytometry [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
9434687A-197C-4959-B6B8-9C05F1DD7F53 TCGA-B6-A3ZX 2012-9-20 -18434 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1132 [Not Applicable] YES YES ductal and lobular 2007 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
D9A1C06F-7B50-46B0-878E-89E8C31863AE TCGA-B6-A400 2012-9-20 -16022 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 215 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2008 43 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
48FF0420-0F19-4E9D-A75D-6C54949A461A TCGA-B6-A401 2012-9-20 -17438 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1989 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2007 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
75B3FE55-1A63-426E-867E-2EF52F54778D TCGA-B6-A402 2012-9-20 -17314 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1651 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2008 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
9964F447-92AD-4D1E-AF20-11CF84FAB7B0 TCGA-B6-A408 2012-9-20 -20102 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1519 [Not Applicable] YES YES ductal and lobular 2008 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.9 2.6 60 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
5362CBC4-CD28-4AFD-A8AC-1A4C2C33CAD2 TCGA-B6-A409 2012-9-20 -16178 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 573 NO YES [Not Applicable] 2008 44 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2 1.8 60 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
8539E15F-BA40-4219-AAEB-08D0AB101311 TCGA-B6-A40B 2012-9-20 -27811 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2521 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2005 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
FD0B1B8B-1A76-480A-B61C-D176E4E02C6B TCGA-B6-A40C 2012-9-20 -18852 FEMALE [Unknown] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1673 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2005 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] B6
360d1d6d-cf3e-4c78-b36f-ef5e3160aa6b TCGA-BH-A0AU 2011-7-27 -16688 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 746 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other left segmental mastectomy with sentinel node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
790ff5db-b7f3-4946-aaed-305f66b1dd6a TCGA-BH-A0AV 2011-8-2 -19314 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1180 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with left axillary lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
c5891c7a-fd24-4891-8f51-373967e4a6dd TCGA-BH-A0AW 2010-11-3 -20468 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 622 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-Score ER Positive H-Score 95 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-Score PR Negative H-Score 0 Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
93ed6066-b567-4e1c-ab81-23370f9d3452 TCGA-BH-A0AY 2010-11-3 -22703 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 777 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
518f231c-f5f9-4a39-a97b-7fd5666d3e50 TCGA-BH-A0AZ 2011-7-27 -17465 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 867 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy with tissue reconstruction [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
66af34ea-f471-4092-aff6-9ac9a5b75b11 TCGA-BH-A0B0 2011-7-27 -20776 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1428 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 56 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other left segmental mastectomy with axillary sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
b4e4fea2-b802-4a86-923e-3fcbd3c708fe TCGA-BH-A0B1 2010-11-3 -24315 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1148 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
18eb4dfc-556f-4bf3-a411-4780209ed1e0 TCGA-BH-A0B3 2010-11-3 -19479 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1203 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
c710f4ab-fbd9-42ed-95d4-4e6d51207f38 TCGA-BH-A0B4 2010-11-4 -23980 MALE [Not Available] WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1191 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 5.65 2.0 40 2.83 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
9da462b0-93c2-4305-89f6-7199a30399a7 TCGA-BH-A0B5 2011-8-2 -14920 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1471 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 40 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO BH
FA4E082A-D213-412E-8D91-842A6F4BEF12 TCGA-BH-A0B6 2011-8-4 -17346 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 1732 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 47 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
214a4507-d974-4b3e-8525-7408fccc6a0f TCGA-BH-A0B7 2011-8-4 -15593 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1733 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other right total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node dissection right reconstruction with TRAMP [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
d3a75976-67d3-40fa-9f6f-cf2a3d7b773c TCGA-BH-A0B8 2010-11-3 -23380 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1569 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.29 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
5a57dc25-d252-4b22-b192-4de630d7002f TCGA-BH-A0B9 2010-11-4 -16310 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1572 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
49dc3e68-6206-4f16-969f-a758cc7be8ed TCGA-BH-A0BA 2010-11-4 -18839 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1132 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal & lobular 2006 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
327a2395-85c8-42e1-9638-8e037a1723ed TCGA-BH-A0BC 2010-11-4 -21949 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 974 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
b379bfb8-284e-4300-8325-85cfd6809cb8 TCGA-BH-A0BD 2010-11-4 -17275 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 554 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-Score H-Score-190 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-Score H-Score-230 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
e6b79d7a-ed6b-459a-b040-d142616e7ab4 TCGA-BH-A0BF 2011-8-5 -20691 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 782 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
4f608829-ffc4-4527-886e-6bc764ab29f5 TCGA-BH-A0BG 2011-8-8 -26988 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 756 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel axillary lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
d6f911b5-e895-43f8-8f86-0ac2f1bc6fae TCGA-BH-A0BJ 2010-11-8 -15027 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 660 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H Score H-Score 300 Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 260 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
92b5de82-0221-4df1-8094-80f40c0bb4fa TCGA-BH-A0BL 2011-8-8 -12841 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1340 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 35 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
c2aeee6c-ba10-4cf9-b560-c739580f7bf3 TCGA-BH-A0BM 2010-11-8 -20049 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1117 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
26573441-eedb-4364-966c-e7f803deef19 TCGA-BH-A0BO 2011-8-9 -19767 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1085 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
f251cb6c-d18e-4691-9c82-24ed1ac0abf9 TCGA-BH-A0BP 2011-8-9 -27917 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1481 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 76 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
b3bb8fd6-ee54-4813-b042-2bbe70115382 TCGA-BH-A0BQ 2011-8-10 -14494 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 827 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy with retromammary lymph node excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
3ecb0147-276d-486c-9af0-ce437c24ba83 TCGA-BH-A0BR 2011-8-10 -21622 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1633 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
2b22db1d-54a1-4b9e-a86e-a174cf51d95c TCGA-BH-A0BS 2011-8-18 -20374 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1641 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
a32cb96a-78bf-456e-a6ab-2d47b2c67ad4 TCGA-BH-A0BT 2011-8-2 -20625 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1386 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node excision and biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
87f03d04-e651-4a6e-aea6-1c946aa46202 TCGA-BH-A0BV 2010-11-9 -28699 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1519 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
5d1d00c6-fcae-479e-ae1e-de76efd41d98 TCGA-BH-A0BW 2011-8-10 -25974 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 355 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
4a032bad-e726-48f2-8f39-e3acc109cc91 TCGA-BH-A0BZ 2011-8-10 -21856 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1492 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 59 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
7875018b-91dc-4ab1-83b0-ee3883e2816e TCGA-BH-A0C0 2010-11-8 -23006 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1270 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 12.45 2.65 40 4.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
d10a4887-373b-4726-a61d-126f950e4a06 TCGA-BH-A0C1 2011-8-11 -22377 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1339 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 YES BH
7bcf6d42-eb8f-4aa2-825b-38671d4f9e3a TCGA-BH-A0C3 2011-8-11 -17221 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1464 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] with ductal and lobular phenotypes 2006 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO BH
e1119732-3e97-4259-bc69-dc4269d9496d TCGA-BH-A0C7 2011-8-11 -17871 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1305 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
dba9beec-5e51-48c0-9229-0ee286a02a1a TCGA-BH-A0DD 2011-8-18 -21386 MALE [Not Available] WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1394 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
7f0bbba1-9bc3-45db-bdda-eb3319bb15d2 TCGA-BH-A0DE 2011-8-11 -22656 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 948 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
0bc5744c-5fa3-45bb-87d0-70a02068b392 TCGA-BH-A0DG 2011-8-2 -11204 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 713 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 30 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
491b6364-1223-474f-816f-e248c8c841e2 TCGA-BH-A0DH 2010-11-8 -23366 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1156 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
27ba717a-5cd8-440a-9345-4ae086f6efca TCGA-BH-A0DI 2011-8-11 -23327 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 673 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
f2bbfa9d-9a9d-4f46-9fde-378e4c44e2ad TCGA-BH-A0DK 2010-11-8 -18237 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 423 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 49 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-SCORE H-SCORE 260 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H-SCORE H-SCORE 120 Negative [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ba39bfbc-5cac-4f6c-b55c-4eee3466ee93 TCGA-BH-A0DL 2011-8-11 -23628 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1467 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal carcinoma with metaplastic carcinoma and focal apocrine features 2007 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 NO BH
d3d4d709-ab34-4617-aa8c-51a3d0a3efe6 TCGA-BH-A0DO 2011-8-11 -28529 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 525 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
14267783-5624-4fe5-ba81-9d67f1017474 TCGA-BH-A0DP 2010-11-9 -22199 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 476 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 280 Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 280 Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
a851ca14-7bbf-455b-a054-ec03979a4247 TCGA-BH-A0DQ 2010-11-9 -15533 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 98 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 1+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 136 Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 1+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 140 Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
fb57c598-b45b-478a-9d34-ca1f050d5b7c TCGA-BH-A0DS 2010-11-9 -25944 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 78 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 190 Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 162 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
74f31744-0aed-4633-beec-4e203315f0b7 TCGA-BH-A0DT 2011-8-11 -15078 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1170 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy with sentinel lymoh node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
96b9c7db-1be1-4b60-b47c-26b654c3d64c TCGA-BH-A0DV 2011-8-2 -19781 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1374 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
035cb359-eac3-484a-9e88-3ddc739440a3 TCGA-BH-A0DX 2011-8-11 -22833 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1442 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
478eb8aa-50b8-4ce5-98e4-d518ede4b174 TCGA-BH-A0DZ 2010-11-9 -15980 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 495 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 140 Positive <10% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 15 Positive 30-39% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
20e8106b-1290-4735-abe4-7621e08e3dc8 TCGA-BH-A0E0 2010-11-9 -14175 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 134 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 H-SCORE H-SCORE 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 H-SCORE H-SCORE 0 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
606fbc6a-b41b-441d-9401-51e54912bf5e TCGA-BH-A0E1 2010-11-9 -19192 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 477 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 180 Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 245 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.81 1.67 40 1.69 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
8ace3b8c-f23e-48a9-a137-9e046bd9549b TCGA-BH-A0E2 2010-11-9 -18152 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 376 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 300 Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 1 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
6c0066e3-96df-4870-bcd3-98cda64082e9 TCGA-BH-A0E6 2010-11-9 -25408 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 293 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 H-SCORE H-SCORE 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 H-SCORE H-SCORE 0 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.83 2.38 40 1.19 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
d3b9d925-ae04-4721-8bfc-50b41225bc74 TCGA-BH-A0E7 2010-11-9 -29115 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1363 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 79 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
76ace6aa-0505-442c-978a-f889cf2d44bb TCGA-BH-A0E9 2011-8-11 -19415 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1405 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO BH
1f601832-eee3-48fb-acf5-80c4a454f26e TCGA-BH-A0EA 2011-8-11 -26548 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 991 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
ec6930e5-2d83-435a-9a57-a2c5c22caf02 TCGA-BH-A0EB 2010-11-9 -25259 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 745 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 300 Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 210 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.65 2.13 40 1.25 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ca76c6fc-ff30-4833-884d-3a94fe53ff17 TCGA-BH-A0EE 2010-11-9 -24850 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 943 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
22b35927-1c3f-4f98-ba42-deafc56b677a TCGA-BH-A0EI 2011-8-11 -18741 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 743 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with right sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
7d9d3522-ec3b-4efe-8c8e-c0e675276ef5 TCGA-BH-A0GY 2010-11-10 -24493 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 917 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ H-Score H-Score 150 Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 290 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
27dfb9d4-3a2c-44bc-9acf-8f638d3f3004 TCGA-BH-A0GZ 2010-11-10 -22714 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 328 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 300 Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 280 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.2 2.08 40 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
96457ebf-ae88-41f4-97e5-cdc3163418aa TCGA-BH-A0H0 2010-11-10 -25223 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 461 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 190 Positive <10% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 7 Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
6cdc0d53-f813-4101-81e5-9bee68270536 TCGA-BH-A0H3 2011-8-11 -17152 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1149 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Left segmental mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
cab38ea8-4555-413c-b81e-4621aac4ef85 TCGA-BH-A0H5 2011-8-12 -16719 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1080 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Right total mastectomy with lymph node left axillary lymph node excision [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
aeb6a3a6-b57a-4c53-90e6-e833777dd2a1 TCGA-BH-A0H6 2010-11-10 -30125 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 747 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 82 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 230 Positive 60-69% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 250 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
2021ed1f-dc75-4701-b8b8-1386466e4802 TCGA-BH-A0H7 2010-11-10 -23972 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 702 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 255 Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 2+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 150 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
0f64edec-0f1f-4025-8a53-75f9534f7828 TCGA-BH-A0H9 2010-11-17 -25289 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1247 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.43 2.98 40 1.5 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
e666081b-caaf-4e8b-9446-807be71201a5 TCGA-BH-A0HA 2011-8-2 -11379 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 856 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 31 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other bilateral total mastectomies with right sentinel node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
0c1023c0-d2ce-4940-8047-7642f1dc3965 TCGA-BH-A0HB 2010-11-10 -20448 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 806 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 300 Positive 30-39% [Not Available] 1+ H-Score H-Score 70 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.58 2.13 40 1.21 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
17ca61a2-607a-45ff-88fa-ef72e80bf891 TCGA-BH-A0HF 2010-11-10 -28233 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 727 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 295 Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ H-Score H-Score 15 Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
e0375a8b-a135-4103-a59d-39063fcf4a6f TCGA-BH-A0HI 2010-11-10 -28644 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 620 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 240 Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 1+ H-Score H-Score 160 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
24334ac1-28a3-4b61-b590-3f51e375b247 TCGA-BH-A0HK 2010-11-10 -29751 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 178 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 81 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 260 Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 H-SCORE H-SCORE 0 Negative <10% 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
602083f0-18d9-48b6-a529-31e165c54b37 TCGA-BH-A0HL 2010-11-10 -20804 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 72 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 295 Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 200 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.23 2.25 40 0.99 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
a68a3361-48b4-4bd0-999d-b4cc3d43eb4a TCGA-BH-A0HN 2010-11-11 -24731 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 516 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 300 Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-SCORE H-SCORE 290 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.0 1.78 40 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
8332806e-f547-4aae-89af-6d5bec831fd2 TCGA-BH-A0HO 2010-11-11 -17710 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 76 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 2+ H-Score H-Score 200 Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 290 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
fcef8cb5-fb2c-4bfb-82cd-6b9f3145182c TCGA-BH-A0HP 2010-11-11 -23883 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 414 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 280 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] 0 H-Score H-Score 0 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
f31c21b6-0f7f-435b-9e24-97c909755c36 TCGA-BH-A0HQ 2010-11-11 -20719 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1121 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
dc657ca8-98e8-4ec4-a513-1b848be0e85d TCGA-BH-A0HU 2010-11-11 -19216 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 392 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ H-Score H-Score 140 Positive 40-49% [Not Available] 2+ H-Score H-Score 140 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
29fdc464-f216-4828-b456-829f71436e27 TCGA-BH-A0HW 2010-11-11 -22962 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1561 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.6 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
3b01d064-8c00-4972-9f07-407eac8e7534 TCGA-BH-A0HX 2010-11-11 -19900 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 829 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 270 Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ H-Score H-Score 190 Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
844ad251-3ee4-42f6-ad00-59a7a1670eea TCGA-BH-A0HY 2011-8-2 -22179 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 868 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy with left sentinel lymph node biospy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
e828455d-4680-41b2-8a1c-1582e3790d62 TCGA-BH-A0RX 2010-11-11 -21857 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 170 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 H-Score H-Score 0 Negative <10% [Not Available] 0 H-Score H-Score 0 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
3c612e12-6de8-44fa-a095-805c45474821 TCGA-BH-A0W3 2011-2-14 -21369 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 180 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
0772cdbe-8b0d-452b-8df1-bd70d1306363 TCGA-BH-A0W4 2011-2-15 -16911 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 175 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
da9c10ea-c13f-4d88-8b94-a0cbc106d036 TCGA-BH-A0W5 2011-2-15 -28304 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 543 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
9f80649b-a249-4fb5-97ad-059a30e13fea TCGA-BH-A0W7 2011-2-15 -17996 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 558 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
786e8dbe-442e-4551-87b3-b4c333b04dd4 TCGA-BH-A0WA 2011-2-16 -30025 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 372 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 82 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
bfd49783-1767-469b-9d79-7822301c5efc TCGA-BH-A18F 2011-6-1 -18594 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 268 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other needle localized segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
747083ff-0703-431b-aad4-f2adff739516 TCGA-BH-A18G 2011-6-1 -29820 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 61 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 81 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other right segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.5 8500/3 C50.5 [Not Available] BH
878f975b-94fd-4d69-b7e7-1ed3ac2ee438 TCGA-BH-A18H 2011-6-6 -23065 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Not Available] Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
9c1ceb7d-6fed-4c2f-a89a-bf3c5b15ca58 TCGA-BH-A18I 2011-6-7 -19489 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 220 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H score [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] H score [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.2 8500/3 C50.2 [Not Available] BH
cc074b7f-d3b2-4880-902e-bf10e667b665 TCGA-BH-A18J 2011-6-8 -20678 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 612 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2000 56 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES BH
50619f8c-10aa-464a-a227-90a7aa6ffd43 TCGA-BH-A18K 2011-6-9 -16824 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2763 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with axillary dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
9ddc3e7b-8b54-4a83-8335-8053940f56c1 TCGA-BH-A18L 2011-6-9 -18519 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 811 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
f63722c1-a0bb-4bf9-8a10-1d76a8e1a0ba TCGA-BH-A18M 2011-6-15 -14532 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 2207 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.3 8500/3 C50.3 NO BH
665dd3d3-779c-4abd-b5d7-13342340451d TCGA-BH-A18N 2011-6-15 -32404 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 468 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 88 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
557cb0a3-6f1b-4faf-8296-0a15c24158f9 TCGA-BH-A18P 2011-6-22 -22222 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE [Not Available] No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 921 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 60 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.3 8500/3 C50.3 [Not Available] BH
db4bc6aa-2e7d-4bcb-8519-a455f624d33b TCGA-BH-A18Q 2011-6-24 -20675 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1692 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.8 8500/3 C50.8 [Not Available] BH
f6e1ec78-5ad9-4879-9b7e-262d17b166ad TCGA-BH-A18R 2011-7-3 -18524 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1142 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 50 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
433427a1-bacf-4381-91ba-5fec8a0953f9 TCGA-BH-A18S 2011-7-2 -28974 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2009 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.3 8523/3 C50.3 [Not Available] BH
30ec8b1f-28c4-4f46-8a1b-a8d51e558c7d TCGA-BH-A18T 2011-7-2 -25674 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 224 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 70 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
233b02f3-c4f0-4a67-9db5-e68d5cdaccb6 TCGA-BH-A18U 2011-7-2 -26426 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1563 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.4 8500/3 C50.4 [Not Available] BH
6b960b58-28e1-41c6-bd6e-7e669c6aa4ef TCGA-BH-A18V 2011-7-2 -17682 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1556 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2001 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Modified radical mastectomy with left breast biopsy Other, specify axilaary node negative but intrammary node positive Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.4 8500/3 C50.4 YES BH
858652b8-c4c2-41d8-be32-fdc88e1a7bb0 TCGA-BH-A1EN 2011-9-3 -28724 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2127 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 78 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other right segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
4510295e-8aa7-4ef1-b2b7-91cc902f8200 TCGA-BH-A1EO 2011-9-6 -25136 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2798 [Not Available] [Not Available] ductal and lobular features 1999 68 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other right segmental mastectomy witrh axillary node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO BH
51ccbf1b-7cae-44ba-991a-11eda8b8c404 TCGA-BH-A1ES 2011-9-6 -13138 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 3462 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 35 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy with rigth axillary lymph node and sentinel lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO BH
8986a141-eae7-4157-b695-02cc6fc3b071 TCGA-BH-A1ET 2011-9-7 -20425 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2520 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 55 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Left segmental mastectomy with left axillary lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
a1093598-d3a8-4ffe-83fc-bc7d1faff7e5 TCGA-BH-A1EU 2011-9-7 -30339 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1286 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 83 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] Right segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
417dea5f-f68e-4dab-940e-43ae8c67e5e6 TCGA-BH-A1EV 2011-9-7 -16504 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 365 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 45 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
9d166970-07c8-4ca3-9cfa-ed0049df9ecc TCGA-BH-A1EW 2011-9-7 -14090 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1694 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Left segmental mastectomy with level 1 and level 2 axillary dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
7b892055-c59d-4550-8688-ad039790af3d TCGA-BH-A1EX 2011-9-7 -24544 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1508 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2000 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Right segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node and axillary lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
0741b5db-4405-42ba-b63a-c6ee4f341480 TCGA-BH-A1EY 2011-9-7 -28940 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 538 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2000 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
21ef1730-e5a7-47ce-b419-d000bb59ae15 TCGA-BH-A1F0 2011-9-7 -29335 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 785 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2000 80 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
6a2972e3-cca9-47e5-aac0-b770f2399eeb TCGA-BH-A1F2 2011-9-7 -19701 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 959 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8541/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
e663954c-05a8-479a-a623-400c1eb5efc6 TCGA-BH-A1F5 2011-9-7 -22842 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 2712 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ad18820b-a804-49c0-ba8a-86c09fa6bce2 TCGA-BH-A1F6 2011-9-7 -18691 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 2965 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ee554215-bea2-4268-aaf9-784e68cdb969 TCGA-BH-A1F8 2011-9-7 -32871 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1999 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ecab16bc-28d5-4c3a-8735-3c785bd047c4 TCGA-BH-A1FB 2011-9-7 -21933 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 3669 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2000 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
b97bf89a-7a85-4eef-ae7e-f787aead1f0a TCGA-BH-A1FC 2011-9-8 -28706 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 3472 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 78 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other localized segmental mastectomy with axillary node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
3c8b5af9-c34d-43c2-b8c9-39ea11e44fa6 TCGA-BH-A1FD 2011-9-8 -24940 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1009 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
4aa68586-6331-4795-b40c-859386640df6 TCGA-BH-A1FE 2011-9-8 -11650 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2273 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 31 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
d4e7426c-9739-4585-9114-e564b13c7c02 TCGA-BH-A1FG 2011-9-8 -32295 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 577 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 88 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
1783cac1-253a-40af-a9ac-48dfb20e1ab8 TCGA-BH-A1FH 2011-9-8 -17172 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1034 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES BH
f6581eee-61b9-43d4-ab0d-ce5ce3ba1c74 TCGA-BH-A1FJ 2011-9-8 -24262 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1927 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
14d1d84e-99e1-41ad-8892-3b4da3d4f948 TCGA-BH-A1FL 2011-9-8 -25558 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1673 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 69 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other needle directed right breast biopsy with left segmental mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
7eb18190-5a41-4637-9783-f81bbde499e4 TCGA-BH-A1FM 2011-9-8 -16289 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 1388 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1998 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
6dd0dd7b-62ff-4fd1-a99a-b265f1a91dca TCGA-BH-A1FN 2011-9-8 -12525 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 2192 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1997 34 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with axillary lymph node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
bf3b1481-ae31-4406-b084-b6cc1d7163e3 TCGA-BH-A1FR 2011-9-8 -26684 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1642 [Not Available] [Not Available] mixed idc and mucinous 1997 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with excision of mass on chest wall and axillary node dissection [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
c348a9b3-c901-4384-a222-144387bac0c5 TCGA-BH-A1FU 2011-9-8 -16174 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1688 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1997 44 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
3bf81a9f-abb4-4495-a514-fd3865e13a03 TCGA-BH-A201 2011-9-8 -23423 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 210 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy and wire localization [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
e7a00d67-2c26-4d1f-bd17-35f659e88bc1 TCGA-BH-A202 2011-9-8 -22052 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 22 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other segmental mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
b3264748-947a-43aa-b227-b294fbcc8447 TCGA-BH-A203 2011-9-8 -28609 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1174 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 78 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
05135396-df5c-49db-b34e-f4add5b65a2b TCGA-BH-A204 2011-9-8 -29529 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Dead [Not Available] 2534 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 80 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
ddcbdac6-9e43-4146-a611-d033125eba14 TCGA-BH-A208 2011-9-8 -17715 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1759 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1995 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
5258294f-ef5b-4091-9183-6bcc545d54b2 TCGA-BH-A209 2011-9-8 -28403 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 3959 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1996 77 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
84B7CCF2-8AB3-4B21-96DE-800D231BC072 TCGA-BH-A28O 2012-7-2 -18501 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 324 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO BH
32861b48-83f5-43a3-bb54-45215ad2c5d6 TCGA-BH-A28Q 2011-9-29 -16882 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 196 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
BAC4B268-C781-4408-96D8-43A48FEC7418 TCGA-BH-A2L8 2012-3-27 -16658 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 168 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other TOTAL MASTECTOMY [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] Oncotype Dx test [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] Oncotype Dx test [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO BH
10C829EC-FD66-49C4-8AFE-AD3AE567372C TCGA-BH-A42T 2012-9-28 -27731 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
2DC1CEC9-925A-417F-9E21-3C2143E711B4 TCGA-BH-A42U 2012-10-1 -29330 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 3324 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2004 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
57CF380D-AB52-467F-B9AE-740B2F84C820 TCGA-BH-A42V 2013-1-17 -15158 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 272 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
A8A33BA9-0976-4E19-B0E9-FA5BA4D4EAA8 TCGA-BH-A5IZ 2014-2-13 -18927 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 98 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
DB55D9D9-DD56-4CA9-B1F1-0D929697B280 TCGA-BH-A5J0 2014-2-13 -23072 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 225 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
91B09291-5944-4691-A0D8-7D1CCC649B9B TCGA-BH-A6R8 2014-2-13 -16829 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 293 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2012 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
43CC074D-B85A-4B0B-8FEB-833094FFC565 TCGA-BH-A6R9 2014-2-13 -22325 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 160 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
5F4D16AA-9CC4-4EDB-B714-394E2661439A TCGA-BH-A8FY 2014-3-25 -31932 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 295 NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 87 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
1CC30842-4A5B-4F07-B36F-5B84CEAA5662 TCGA-BH-A8FZ 2014-3-25 -21343 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 144 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2012 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
59D60247-E549-4326-A672-50B05C13A291 TCGA-BH-A8G0 2014-3-26 -19975 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 199 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
09D6E904-7184-4788-8A19-04F8C46CB13F TCGA-BH-AB28 2014-6-30 -19570 FEMALE [Unknown] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 185 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] BH
6b923e30-2ddc-407f-91b1-c202f1373fbb TCGA-C8-A12K 2011-4-12 -29463 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Pateys surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
441919eb-8c9f-478c-bda3-8de4f8295e8a TCGA-C8-A12L 2011-4-12 -24710 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 67 Other method, specify: Patey's Suregery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
dd0f8e5a-383d-4f03-bb71-0e115d4e442c TCGA-C8-A12M 2011-4-12 -25811 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 70 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
b8a615f9-d19b-4b09-8ec8-0674e5c648cd TCGA-C8-A12N 2011-4-12 -21428 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allread Score 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
83f26720-007c-42c9-a7de-7484bf8afa89 TCGA-C8-A12O 2011-4-13 -18506 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
abdc76db-f85e-4337-a57e-6d098789da03 TCGA-C8-A12P 2011-4-13 -20332 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
a824b3bd-34d5-4cc1-a92f-f9d6ac0f1814 TCGA-C8-A12Q 2011-4-13 -28733 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 78 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
71229981-97c2-4ae1-a130-fe5de336b37d TCGA-C8-A12T 2011-4-11 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 43 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 6 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
97b5f490-1cd9-4833-b903-5f4c6e45670d TCGA-C8-A12U 2011-4-13 -17045 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 5 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 3 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
7e1673f8-5758-4963-8804-d5e39f06205b TCGA-C8-A12V 2011-3-22 -20346 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
6adca853-1b09-47ff-814c-47b732a76d96 TCGA-C8-A12W 2011-4-13 -18140 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 49 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 6 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
65cde5d5-1efc-4e30-b1bd-a93598794f2c TCGA-C8-A12X 2011-4-13 -22889 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO C8
298a1710-deb4-4064-a0f2-da32d43aa217 TCGA-C8-A12Y 2011-4-13 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 44 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
42621dfa-abfd-4c7d-8bc5-a02a09d1c2b4 TCGA-C8-A12Z 2011-4-13 -16508 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 12 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
8cf54607-01ce-42b0-9bd9-8627edd9f3b7 TCGA-C8-A130 2011-4-13 -19117 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
c49e3b18-fd88-48f4-8b01-300692ceb367 TCGA-C8-A131 2011-4-15 -29966 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 14 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 82 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
89e867de-d30e-4bfc-a453-0a76309dabd5 TCGA-C8-A132 2011-4-15 -20471 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 13 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Modified Radical Masectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
b8b6cebc-26dc-43ae-a94a-20da6018f7ae TCGA-C8-A133 2011-4-15 -23922 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] ductal/mucinous 2010 65 Other method, specify: Modified Radical Masectomy Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
f1692f4b-ce1b-4fc5-ac55-1022ecae0d1e TCGA-C8-A134 2011-4-15 -19010 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 14 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Modified Radical Masectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
33cea538-4c3f-470a-972d-257c43241ab4 TCGA-C8-A135 2011-4-15 -23667 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 13 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
03ab1e9f-4918-404d-b178-3a4fd929c5e8 TCGA-C8-A137 2011-4-15 -12729 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 34 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
b6c286c6-2755-419b-87d3-59c7feda9653 TCGA-C8-A138 2011-4-15 -20053 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 5 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
b26d41cd-393b-4cd4-8925-a9488f7de576 TCGA-C8-A1HE 2011-5-24 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 4 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
a2453bcb-90f2-4505-949d-a89cf4bfc9b8 TCGA-C8-A1HF 2011-5-24 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 3 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
0c23c380-363c-474d-b64c-b47f612a8225 TCGA-C8-A1HG 2011-5-24 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
444374f8-9282-439c-af00-0f828edcbff3 TCGA-C8-A1HI 2011-6-1 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 40 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 6 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
a855c228-a263-44df-87a0-cbc32187e3f5 TCGA-C8-A1HJ 2011-6-1 -19629 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 53 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
52c35691-efca-42f5-a03e-02c9f872275c TCGA-C8-A1HK 2011-6-1 [Not Available] FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 53 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
a8a199c9-d781-4e6c-af8c-c85d60c7cd40 TCGA-C8-A1HL 2011-6-2 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 2 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Mucinous-papillary ductal carcinoma 2010 38 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO C8
8b525ec6-d24b-49d4-bfcb-b354de4dae7c TCGA-C8-A1HM 2011-6-2 -27063 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 6 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 5 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
86a18ae0-dfb1-49c3-b5c4-67ec331d6e40 TCGA-C8-A1HN 2011-6-2 -20712 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 3 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
b3354b72-2637-4edc-9a95-e55801d3ac13 TCGA-C8-A1HO 2011-7-12 -12715 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 34 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Discrepancy] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 5 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
89414e79-7f89-42d9-8228-101b5bf2f31f TCGA-C8-A26V 2011-7-21 -17468 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 9 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 47 Other method, specify: Modified Radical Masectomy Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
ff0f875f-113a-4c0f-8c0a-4259cd496e6d TCGA-C8-A26W 2011-7-21 -21391 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
70ab4f23-23c4-409f-a5cc-18a010c3a24e TCGA-C8-A26X 2011-7-21 -21463 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 11 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
4d51159f-ab2f-40e3-a363-847c3654431e TCGA-C8-A26Y 2011-7-21 -32872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 90 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
dc11b1c7-1f00-4813-b4b5-ecf776b2eb37 TCGA-C8-A26Z 2011-7-21 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 4 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 4 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO C8
5a5f0f48-2b13-4e78-b130-901b85d9a7f3 TCGA-C8-A273 2011-7-21 [Not Available] FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 6 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 29 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 5 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
dbcad60f-86c7-41e3-b0ae-baa39c9f83dd TCGA-C8-A274 2011-7-21 -23337 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
ce887e90-0660-4f44-a3a4-b3b894cb7eda TCGA-C8-A275 2011-7-21 -20774 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
65077db7-dd59-4362-9d28-d5a9154e9be0 TCGA-C8-A278 2011-7-21 -22598 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 9 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Other method, specify: Patey's Surgery Other Patey's Surgery [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
3b1f7e48-216d-47de-ba79-db350f52bff0 TCGA-C8-A27A 2011-7-21 -17779 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 371 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
f0d8a1fe-e313-44f1-99cc-b965cbeeff0e TCGA-C8-A27B 2011-7-21 -17763 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 30 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
959FF069-8A49-4C9B-85C2-5291CAC0ACFF TCGA-C8-A3M7 2012-3-6 -22096 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 60 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO C8
C1E704D6-A33B-4891-90BD-992B0040C075 TCGA-C8-A3M8 2012-3-6 -24877 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 68 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ Dako [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO C8
8DB69F1D-72E2-40BA-AD8A-CF228499840D TCGA-C8-A8HP 2014-12-29 -21613 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 8 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
6951FE6A-D7D1-4F41-85AF-76655B5D1F62 TCGA-C8-A8HQ 2014-12-29 -19432 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 9 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
DCB68327-1537-4CA6-81DE-3910D0663CB8 TCGA-C8-A8HR 2014-12-29 -17921 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 10 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
726C6892-0DCE-4869-A7A7-CC44C26FE843 TCGA-C8-A9FZ 2014-12-29 -18038 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] NO NO Infiltrating Tubulo-Lobular Carcinoma 2013 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 [Not Available] C8
17f275c1-a0d4-487d-8f02-ea279584b4cd TCGA-D8-A13Y 2011-2-23 -19028 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 264 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
5a17dcd9-5ced-4a69-8069-23c7fd0649d1 TCGA-D8-A13Z 2011-2-27 -18942 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 210 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 51 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
2585edbd-3488-4100-a4ab-a161252a31ee TCGA-D8-A140 2011-2-26 -22900 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 27 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] <10% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Hercep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
42f6f503-4cf6-4a8e-b5fe-b44bccf6b38b TCGA-D8-A141 2011-2-27 -14626 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 113 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 40 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
ccb22ecc-6e18-44b8-ad48-6ab51314b16e TCGA-D8-A142 2011-2-25 -27313 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 61 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 74 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ FISH [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
1c40b84e-a0e3-429f-a48c-21566cf881c0 TCGA-D8-A143 2011-2-25 -18984 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 172 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
4958c36f-1dc7-4f14-9dec-36e14107dbe3 TCGA-D8-A145 2011-2-25 -29280 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 49 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
03da7a65-fa2f-42cb-a709-5fe8736f21d3 TCGA-D8-A146 2011-3-30 -20861 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes Yes [Not Available] Alive 344 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 57 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] DAKO Hercep Test TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
fc18d029-9be2-4fa0-9aef-6d647dc55f0b TCGA-D8-A147 2011-2-27 -16736 FEMALE Indeterminate (neither Pre or Postmenopausal) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 2 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
62d70067-ff77-4f95-8b69-f537abaf74ce TCGA-D8-A1J8 2011-3-23 -28444 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 256 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 77 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
d5e9a403-88ce-40fc-bb85-80cf3f8ff6bc TCGA-D8-A1J9 2011-3-29 -17879 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 248 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
9ced0c70-c46c-4f98-8f48-840defe4b8b1 TCGA-D8-A1JA 2011-3-29 -21918 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 18 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 60 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
dd96a9c7-899c-47cd-a0f9-b149ed07a5d6 TCGA-D8-A1JB 2011-3-29 -19822 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO Positive not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Path Vysion HER2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
02e6f999-24f2-4ad2-9b92-df3ee2b082e5 TCGA-D8-A1JC 2011-3-29 -21898 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 178 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
530ad151-703d-4638-851f-0b5111ff318b TCGA-D8-A1JD 2011-3-29 -15166 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 273 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
115bc72c-116f-40c1-be9b-e3dd7650efae TCGA-D8-A1JE 2011-3-28 -22683 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 57 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
dcd5e079-813a-4c1a-b320-0931468d2bbc TCGA-D8-A1JF 2011-3-28 -29199 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 96 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 79 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
7f2a63e6-64d5-4be1-9814-e8416fc9e688 TCGA-D8-A1JG 2011-3-28 -22878 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 187 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
4d1bf9e6-5837-4aed-b568-92f014ed5a4b TCGA-D8-A1JH 2011-3-28 -20497 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 284 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
baf2afc8-f16c-488f-947c-efc9083c6bef TCGA-D8-A1JI 2011-3-30 -20072 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 21 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
f7ab565c-83b5-4988-b9be-8a46f65dca8c TCGA-D8-A1JJ 2011-3-29 -19966 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 274 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other breast conserving therapy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ 10-75% DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
56203436-8634-4fd0-96b5-ba6be9d87857 TCGA-D8-A1JK 2011-3-29 -32872 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 90 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
aa4244a8-0454-4247-a1c3-357fd51746fa TCGA-D8-A1JL 2011-3-29 -26484 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 265 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 72 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
3e775c99-ceda-4246-8d6f-0f58ca5097c8 TCGA-D8-A1JM 2011-3-29 -21602 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 238 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
28911b97-42bf-4189-9961-522fc0aeebc6 TCGA-D8-A1JN 2011-3-29 -29331 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 217 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] HER2 amplification - negative PathVision HER2 DNA Probe Kit Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
752f4773-5a12-4485-a1f6-896e148ddf4d TCGA-D8-A1JP 2011-3-29 -26862 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 167 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 73 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] DAKOHercepTest TM [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
0d03055c-186b-418a-b614-e2035757bc3b TCGA-D8-A1JS 2011-3-28 -28178 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 105 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] papillary 2010 77 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hecep Test TM DAKO [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
cd781589-3820-45a2-906b-8d60cd02f3ef TCGA-D8-A1JT 2011-3-28 -25677 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 123 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] ductal and papillary 2010 70 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
af2a8e2f-2ae1-48bc-bba5-0e2c077c4e48 TCGA-D8-A1JU 2011-3-28 -18733 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 106 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
eb93df3d-9e25-4e4c-9a5d-350f296e5acf TCGA-D8-A1X5 2011-6-9 -29734 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 171 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 81 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
42e47f3a-dff7-41e4-8f84-146d97e8ab72 TCGA-D8-A1X6 2011-6-9 -29256 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 236 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
cdab777e-62de-4d51-92af-b6eb089c111f TCGA-D8-A1X7 2011-6-9 -14858 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 85 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal partially papillary 2010 40 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 NO D8
8624354c-af25-423c-9c71-48a5dd821097 TCGA-D8-A1X8 2011-5-16 -22995 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 272 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Indeterminate [Not Available] 4 Point Scale 2+ >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
34a74805-300c-4773-ab59-2085fcc2e6cc TCGA-D8-A1X9 2011-5-16 -24417 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 380 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
739cb132-51e9-41be-8064-311a13da0d74 TCGA-D8-A1XA 2011-5-18 -23387 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 274 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 64 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
d2694b09-7844-4496-865c-5d3d8cd03330 TCGA-D8-A1XB 2011-5-16 -22976 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 201 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
ee14e049-b891-4dda-a730-8ce99bd93baf TCGA-D8-A1XC 2011-5-16 -31220 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 81 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 85 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO D8
c4699748-f01d-4b30-9c74-1ca77fb84ac1 TCGA-D8-A1XD 2011-5-16 -13510 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 155 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 36 [Discrepancy] [Not Available] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
6f6afd31-b5dd-48ab-b18f-6390ba18a5f0 TCGA-D8-A1XF 2011-5-16 -16787 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 97 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 45 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
de531604-bd1a-49df-96c2-6de3ae703f1d TCGA-D8-A1XG 2011-5-16 -31748 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 75 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 86 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% % IHC Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
cc510968-fe52-4109-a79f-74f216b48c78 TCGA-D8-A1XJ 2011-6-9 -27967 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 352 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/Mucinous 2010 76 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 NO D8
97943d87-fed7-4f14-a0a7-c5bfee64c392 TCGA-D8-A1XK 2011-6-9 -20092 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 326 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
2b19a6b4-7a17-4452-b4aa-6fc18adc0c3c TCGA-D8-A1XL 2011-6-9 -12668 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 319 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 34 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] HercepTest TM Dako Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
92529232-8504-4541-b7e2-4df8f497c413 TCGA-D8-A1XM 2011-5-16 -21056 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 218 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 57 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
6a186809-3422-41d0-83d2-867145830936 TCGA-D8-A1XO 2011-5-16 -20606 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 242 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
3886b4fb-ba22-4a50-b11a-a6893951f170 TCGA-D8-A1XQ 2011-5-16 -25345 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 177 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% % IHC Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
70f34c5c-3671-44c8-9469-99f9786efec1 TCGA-D8-A1XR 2011-5-16 -20488 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 168 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
1026e0bf-5640-4fa5-b65f-4f11e8e76b18 TCGA-D8-A1XS 2011-5-16 -17708 MALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 50 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Ductal/Micropapillary 2010 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8507/3 C50.9 NO D8
64975923-d032-4182-8565-59fc37127d8d TCGA-D8-A1XT 2011-5-16 -22448 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 193 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% % IHC Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% %IHC Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
332148f5-f070-4c20-8eb1-4d8c0673aa52 TCGA-D8-A1XU 2011-5-16 -20715 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 150 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% %IHC Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
87b85935-a058-44ad-8fb6-8511130eaffe TCGA-D8-A1XV 2011-5-16 -30830 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 147 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 84 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% % IHC Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% %IHC Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO D8
887b9e5b-99db-44ac-9c30-c0dc6877b41c TCGA-D8-A1XW 2011-5-16 -19478 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 118 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 53 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0% % IHC Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
0130d616-885e-4a6c-9d03-2f17dd692a05 TCGA-D8-A1XY 2011-6-9 -27106 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 81 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 74 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] HerceptTest TM Dako [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
2c90d5e3-ac8c-4c86-a06f-42ccc064eb49 TCGA-D8-A1XZ 2011-6-9 -29916 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 121 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 81 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
ced2c048-b047-43ff-b0e7-cd7ad480850c TCGA-D8-A1Y0 2011-6-9 -24083 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 167 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 65 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
38a631a1-6875-4216-a335-ee93c90a86d6 TCGA-D8-A1Y1 2011-6-9 -29474 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 116 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
c7d7a770-23c0-4310-ab48-1f6152dc2849 TCGA-D8-A1Y2 2011-6-9 -26021 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 73 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 71 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] manual counting Indeterminate [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] Venten Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
632984bd-dc81-42b6-b024-476cfd0bb2ae TCGA-D8-A1Y3 2011-6-9 -22317 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 125 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 61 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Indeterminate [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] Venten Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
680f23a9-fcce-493e-b908-27c1ad202e4c TCGA-D8-A27E 2011-7-21 -24315 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 182 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] infiltrating ductal and mucinous 2010 66 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other quadrantectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Hercep Test TM Dako [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 NO D8
1549dc64-3dab-43fc-96e9-b07d520957e1 TCGA-D8-A27F 2011-7-18 -14731 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 106 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 40 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
6f6e7356-3521-4674-8eec-ad01340d4b8e TCGA-D8-A27G 2011-7-18 -27521 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 210 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
0dca98b0-f43e-45b6-9a02-00092c78678c TCGA-D8-A27H 2011-7-18 -26588 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 19 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
9c55032f-4db7-4026-ae83-8d060dd8e3fe TCGA-D8-A27I 2011-7-18 -21327 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 186 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
7f97971b-2818-4e4b-9c9e-7c0246f9484c TCGA-D8-A27K 2011-7-18 -17426 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 119 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 47 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
6020d1b4-ee20-4cc9-82a3-340b5e3122f1 TCGA-D8-A27L 2011-7-18 -18025 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 126 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
ae65baeb-6b78-492a-8c63-bb7e93e83dc2 TCGA-D8-A27M 2011-7-17 -21910 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 145 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 59 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
d5be2ab3-f748-480d-954b-385cf01b4c81 TCGA-D8-A27N 2011-7-18 -13243 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 146 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 36 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 10-75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
c54d5507-bba5-4a1e-8885-3c3b1eed13c1 TCGA-D8-A27P 2011-7-18 -23576 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 23 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 64 Other method, specify: intraoperative examination Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
0b23b5fe-6c7e-4297-bc55-f93fcb830ac4 TCGA-D8-A27R 2011-7-18 -15122 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 29 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative not amplified polisomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO D8
27c1c094-690b-4973-8900-a797ad88f98c TCGA-D8-A27T 2011-7-21 -19591 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 136 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Venten [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
AD6D26AB-6568-40DB-BFB0-394D40E801CF TCGA-D8-A27V 2011-7-21 -22958 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 73 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] Venten [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
bfa3dbc0-361c-400e-8c10-0aca7049fce9 TCGA-D8-A27W 2011-7-21 -20173 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 15 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 55 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] >75% manual counting Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] Venten Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Path Vysion HER2 DNA Probe Kit Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 NO D8
77E25AE8-82EC-4DEA-8E62-1176F27E47BA TCGA-D8-A3Z5 2012-7-3 -19846 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 441 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
A6E5F869-1182-4F81-B4BB-CF55261C8F3F TCGA-D8-A3Z6 2012-7-3 -20629 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 185 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO D8
80419545-4E5D-4BAF-8948-F84589B5EF3E TCGA-D8-A4Z1 2013-2-1 -25097 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 223 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
96F02BE7-F2DF-483C-8968-A5BD2D887206 TCGA-D8-A73U 2014-3-28 -32208 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 492 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 88 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
EA8DBC7A-54C6-469C-865E-F49D00B0223D TCGA-D8-A73W 2014-3-28 -29125 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 244 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 79 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] Lung|Bone [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
1BE375FE-5AE5-4E75-A729-69F86A661D9A TCGA-D8-A73X 2014-3-28 -19607 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 368 [Not Applicable] YES YES tubular carcinoma 2013 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8211/3 C50.9 [Not Available] D8
b0bcb829-cee0-4247-bb75-093a5bea89ee TCGA-E2-A105 2011-2-11 -28855 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1163 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 5 Allred score 3 + 2 = 5 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 5 Allred score 3 + 2 = 5 Equivocal 70-79% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
87e09544-eddb-473b-8617-212407ce644e TCGA-E2-A106 2011-2-11 -12528 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1555 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 34 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
eff2360e-399a-4167-ab2b-798e27bef739 TCGA-E2-A107 2011-2-11 -20065 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 763 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 0 Allred score 0+0=0 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
4f04bd10-9902-4a23-b15d-4f4409d79499 TCGA-E2-A108 2011-2-11 -23530 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 124 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 7 (per outside facility) Allred score 7 (outside facility) Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 7 per outside facility report Allred score 7 per outside facility report Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
f0787165-6f58-4d67-b510-928eea2c4882 TCGA-E2-A109 2011-2-11 -23521 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 1172 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 0 Allred score 0+0=0 Equivocal 50-59% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.46 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
4da7abaf-ac7a-41c0-8033-5780a398545c TCGA-E2-A10A 2011-2-11 -15085 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 352 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 7 Allred score 4+3=7 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Positive 40-49% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.21 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
f801aeed-dc43-49d7-a319-84c8851979d9 TCGA-E2-A10B 2011-2-22 -24577 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 748 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3= 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3= 8 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.11 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
9ac44381-5d43-4f63-aa3f-7703bfc923c9 TCGA-E2-A10C 2011-2-11 -19849 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 854 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 6 Allred score 3+3=6 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
dc15a8ae-991e-421c-bc70-70e94f79dd17 TCGA-E2-A10E 2011-2-11 -23684 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 418 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 5 Allred score 3+2=5 Equivocal 40-49% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.07 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
8e159b50-8136-42d4-b9c7-d579a74e4931 TCGA-E2-A10F 2011-2-11 -17257 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 360 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score 8 Allred score 5+3=8 Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
752ad011-79e0-494f-9868-98bf6feb28f8 TCGA-E2-A14N 2011-5-31 -13743 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1350 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 37 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
fb356957-f620-4d99-b675-1355a1d9f932 TCGA-E2-A14O 2011-3-31 -27837 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1173 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 76 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 Allred score 5+2 = 7 Equivocal 50-59% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.65 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
e4fc0909-f284-4471-866d-d8967b6adcbc TCGA-E2-A14P 2011-3-31 -28923 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 487 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 79 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
303a1d77-a37a-4966-a4a4-9981d99ba1b4 TCGA-E2-A14Q 2011-3-31 -18507 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 974 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 50 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
4fba3deb-db94-44b5-a0f2-a575d270779e TCGA-E2-A14R 2011-4-6 -22686 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 845 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 62 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
c2b104ee-f914-4e79-9e1b-56bf88157472 TCGA-E2-A14S 2011-4-6 -23878 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 834 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 65 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 Allred score 4+3 = 7 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.04 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
e0929c47-cff3-4518-a188-8764af01073a TCGA-E2-A14T 2011-4-6 -19237 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 890 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.29 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
23B7AAEA-1119-4B10-AA1A-0AE255D2F2A6 TCGA-E2-A14U 2011-4-6 -27389 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 838 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 74 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Equivocal 40-49% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.04 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
3144f1fb-4342-4079-bfe8-940da4bfd88e TCGA-E2-A14V 2011-4-6 -19643 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 748 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 53 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
eadb0562-2165-4adb-ad58-018e73f82780 TCGA-E2-A14W 2011-4-25 -28664 MALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 834 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 78 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
60df7543-6da5-4c75-943b-5800c1e08234 TCGA-E2-A14X 2011-4-6 -20105 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 692 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 55 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
a0576d44-9add-429b-9eeb-f7b234b7385f TCGA-E2-A14Y 2011-4-6 -13004 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 688 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 35 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
d7ce6b79-f7c0-481e-9dbd-6273f01c9786 TCGA-E2-A14Z 2011-4-6 -23682 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 518 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 64 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
4ac693e9-10f3-46b3-9d46-df3af7b0d259 TCGA-E2-A150 2011-4-6 -17580 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 591 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 48 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
a8015490-9740-45c9-8bd2-eb6d1beefc2e TCGA-E2-A152 2011-4-6 -20705 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 588 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
be9bf36a-12e1-4386-addf-1686dc8b49de TCGA-E2-A153 2011-4-7 -18875 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 586 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 51 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
24e39609-9645-43e5-960b-db5446eaea65 TCGA-E2-A154 2011-4-7 -24999 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 325 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 68 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
01f50abf-fc15-446e-9d07-edeecc545a32 TCGA-E2-A155 2011-4-7 -21348 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 553 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
f05d314c-5ec5-4e2a-b785-9a702716f111 TCGA-E2-A156 2011-4-7 -22422 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 481 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
a6edb6ca-ae9f-4da7-8ebe-92d83d2987fb TCGA-E2-A158 2011-4-7 -15903 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 450 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 43 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
d7308344-5bab-4073-bb4f-4d8cd8d7bd17 TCGA-E2-A159 2011-4-7 -18621 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 515 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 50 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
73ccc949-01b7-48d3-a7c4-c4bcd261672a TCGA-E2-A15A 2011-4-7 -16750 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 502 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
da840a22-8d30-4682-bbd0-8fa87bd40528 TCGA-E2-A15C 2011-4-13 -22583 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 497 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.02 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
c85f080a-1075-41df-959f-1b514a11b3c4 TCGA-E2-A15D 2011-4-13 -17224 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 316 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 47 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
0a2a3529-f645-4967-9a58-89ee20b8bb62 TCGA-E2-A15E 2011-4-25 -14894 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 518 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 40 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
ec77a23d-84f5-47e4-bf2a-fa1c03baf3db TCGA-E2-A15F 2011-4-13 -23660 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 469 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 64 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
271e8024-a008-4bf0-9f6e-177f60096b1b TCGA-E2-A15G 2011-4-13 -28013 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 316 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Invasive ductal and lobular carcinoma 2009 76 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E2
5580b21a-2cdb-4777-ad79-6e06654144f5 TCGA-E2-A15H 2011-4-13 -13985 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 42 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 38 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score = 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
64089c20-939f-48b4-ae8b-904ad0597145 TCGA-E2-A15I 2011-4-13 -16163 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 411 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 44 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.04 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
1fef9454-b3e8-4d9d-a9aa-aa1f1a32b80c TCGA-E2-A15J 2011-4-13 -18771 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 464 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 51 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
17c1d42c-cb84-4655-a4cd-b54bae17ecaf TCGA-E2-A15K 2011-4-13 -21514 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
37242f5a-25ae-4b1f-9ce6-09ce1dc92539 TCGA-E2-A15L 2011-4-13 -23845 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 331 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 65 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Equivocal 30-39% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
59be60a3-e0f6-4d63-b98c-574ef92428c4 TCGA-E2-A15M 2011-4-14 -24266 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 235 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 66 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
eafa45a4-2fd1-4fa3-860c-9d52ed382b7d TCGA-E2-A15O 2011-4-14 -32583 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 289 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 89 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 Allred score 5+2 = 7 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 Allred score 4+3 = 7 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
a1674d7b-787a-45c4-bf16-1b7d0efce207 TCGA-E2-A15P 2011-4-14 -22524 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 315 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
33b7bf50-53f4-4839-aa83-9665f85671d8 TCGA-E2-A15R 2011-4-14 -23570 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 330 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 64 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.4 1.9 [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
0f7ab21b-1fd0-45e0-9a47-17c4691eb84f TCGA-E2-A15S 2011-4-14 -12671 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 274 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 34 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 2 [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
e68ebfd4-3688-4caa-9e38-7764f9258c30 TCGA-E2-A15T 2011-4-14 -24054 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 267 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 65 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 5 Allred score 2+3 = 5 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
89128dba-403f-4a96-bb3b-23ed0d5e2147 TCGA-E2-A1AZ 2011-4-25 -23230 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1965 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Indeterminate [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.42 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
996bd3f0-d767-4eff-9c82-99fcb5a3006a TCGA-E2-A1B0 2011-4-25 -18346 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1271 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 50 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
8a0ef221-8070-43fc-9d98-def90abe4871 TCGA-E2-A1B1 2011-4-25 -16603 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1361 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 5 Allred score 3+2 = 5 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 Equivocal 70-79% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 15.12 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
dbb2da92-99dd-400c-bc05-e87d7273656c TCGA-E2-A1B4 2011-4-25 -27241 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 911 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 74 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Negative 10-19% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
7241b3d4-31ee-4fd2-a4a5-35a9d5f37d6a TCGA-E2-A1B5 2011-4-25 -17039 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 774 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 46 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 5 Allred score 2+3 = 5 Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
e0b1bcd2-1139-44b9-98b3-67bcf92bcc39 TCGA-E2-A1B6 2011-4-25 -16370 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 338 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 44 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.03 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
d8492ebd-3d94-4a4b-8de7-386526691cc2 TCGA-E2-A1BC 2011-4-25 -23168 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] [Not Available] Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 297 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 NO E2
0e1d0d46-7a7b-4538-95dd-b9fc20a15aec TCGA-E2-A1BD 2011-4-25 -19627 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 317 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 53 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score 5+3 = 8 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
2d0d7ff4-7866-4ae1-9cf1-a3c7f4cbe48d TCGA-E2-A1IE 2011-4-26 -22510 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 983 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 + 3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 6 allred score 3 + 3 = 6 Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
718db047-9f32-48c4-98c9-515218441bca TCGA-E2-A1IF 2011-4-28 -27341 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 956 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 74 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred scrore = 8 allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 6 allred score 4+2=6 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
bc0bc70f-c6cf-4dbc-9dc3-8b7bc5f381a4 TCGA-E2-A1IG 2011-4-28 -16757 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 755 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
ec0155ab-1b14-498d-8fa9-9f63e3ccb990 TCGA-E2-A1IH 2011-4-28 -29444 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 658 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 80 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5+3+8 Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
0fe1419e-a005-407c-8ae7-15c4c1579539 TCGA-E2-A1II 2011-4-28 -18788 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 850 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 51 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 0 allred score 0 + 0 = 0 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 4 allred score 2+2 = 4 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
b09643c2-ded5-4346-b3c5-90a48f88a02e TCGA-E2-A1IJ 2011-4-29 -20956 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 725 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 57 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
becedbfd-b2aa-4dde-b7f4-29e6f59ec32c TCGA-E2-A1IK 2011-5-17 -26052 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 519 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
b63391a0-73f8-4544-9e94-f6529245ca2a TCGA-E2-A1IL 2011-4-29 -28495 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Not Available] Alive 14 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 78 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 7 allred score 4 + 3 = 7 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
f43d622f-eed5-4933-adc6-ae9ad1e33028 TCGA-E2-A1IN 2011-4-29 -22199 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 392 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 60 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5+3=8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5+3+8 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
71fc8941-4cfb-47ea-a533-873d38f8c95c TCGA-E2-A1IO 2011-4-29 -13671 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 498 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 37 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 30-39% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
001cef41-ff86-4d3f-a140-a647ac4b10a1 TCGA-E2-A1IU 2011-4-29 -22279 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 127 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 60 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
2e32f31f-9817-4935-b259-96c59936ee33 TCGA-E2-A1L6 2011-6-7 -16403 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1312 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 44 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 + 3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 + 3 = 8 Negative 40-49% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
791c5768-f0f5-4ab6-86eb-998e5c4b49e3 TCGA-E2-A1L7 2011-6-1 -14854 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 633 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 40 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 2 Allred score 1+1 = 2 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
eebad74f-5961-4e91-b0eb-157a2f6f952b TCGA-E2-A1L8 2011-6-7 -19187 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1015 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 52 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 + 3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 7 allred score 4 + 3 = 7 Equivocal 40-49% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.10 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
5ea18514-51ad-4844-abea-15e82f0b10c9 TCGA-E2-A1L9 2011-6-7 -14868 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 388 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 40 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] allred score = 7 [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] allred score = 7 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
ce9e0309-9756-42d2-ae94-d91264a79498 TCGA-E2-A1LA 2011-6-1 -21773 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 463 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 59 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 + 3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] allred score = 8 allred score 5 +3 = 8 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.15 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
fa176764-a76f-44c7-b97a-cd6d21e052be TCGA-E2-A1LB 2011-6-7 -15283 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 972 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 41 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
7317E605-93BA-49A9-8743-20613B02767A TCGA-E2-A1LE 2011-6-7 -26239 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 879 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
ef4cbd38-bc79-4d60-a715-647edd2ebe9e TCGA-E2-A1LG 2011-6-3 -18492 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 350 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Equivocal 60-69% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
d8ecba6a-9fff-4993-a799-9a8d2aea524e TCGA-E2-A1LH 2011-6-3 -21628 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2876 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2002 59 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] ACIS [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
3558dec7-eae3-4a41-a217-266c6a4535fb TCGA-E2-A1LI 2011-6-3 -21064 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2750 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 57 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] ACIS [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.21 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
1d27253f-b036-44e7-a04d-8da5bbf57419 TCGA-E2-A1LK 2011-6-3 -30757 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 266 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 84 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Equivocal 80-89% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.41 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
2a84997d-ccee-4f46-bea2-752534f26416 TCGA-E2-A1LL 2011-6-3 -27028 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1014 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 73 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
91a2f2af-e4b1-4a0b-ab20-6a36ce63c533 TCGA-E2-A1LS 2011-6-3 -16887 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Not Available] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 239 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 46 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 0 Allred score 0+0 = 0 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E2
F0DE67FF-8967-4FCE-9C12-0E07193285CD TCGA-E2-A2P5 2011-12-19 -28621 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 326 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 78 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allred score = 8 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
F83B866B-0B2E-4BBA-9367-BE6DCCF56232 TCGA-E2-A2P6 2011-12-19 -28411 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Available] HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 168 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 Allread score 5+3 = 8 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 4 Allred score 2+2 = 4 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
31427699-E27A-4035-8925-6D8D6900D097 TCGA-E2-A3DX 2012-1-17 -15969 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 217 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred score = 8 [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 7.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E2
45C3975C-D333-4237-93F7-E12DC2451C38 TCGA-E2-A56Z 2013-6-20 -25282 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 219 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 8 = 5+3 Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 5 = 2+3 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.2 2.2 200 1.5 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
CDD8C046-FD97-482A-A11F-2217B321C4D1 TCGA-E2-A570 2013-6-21 -17456 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 549 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 7 = 5+2 Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 8 = 5+3 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.2 2.0 200 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
06EF6E83-5583-45B9-A0BD-EDEA68943083 TCGA-E2-A572 2013-9-10 -26399 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 831 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
6429C443-8AC3-407F-BB9C-66420B904BBF TCGA-E2-A573 2013-6-20 -17689 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 677 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Partial Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 0 = 0+0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 0 = 0+0 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.3 1.8 200 1.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
029CE650-5E5A-4100-8596-CD94300E7EF5 TCGA-E2-A574 2013-6-20 -16195 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 605 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 0 = 0+0 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score Allred 0 = 0+0 Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.8 2.8 200 1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
F04DCA9E-409B-4300-B11D-12243E5D361D TCGA-E2-A576 2013-9-10 -25350 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 578 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 69 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
6F18F96E-C0C9-4CC4-9FB2-CBA8949D5402 TCGA-E2-A9RU 2014-6-16 -32873 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] Allred Score 6 [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E2
03c143e0-d8a1-4d60-a4a3-df0501fc6b6e TCGA-E9-A1N3 2011-5-26 -25714 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2010 70 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
69a68fbc-e43d-4652-85ee-693211bded47 TCGA-E9-A1N4 2011-5-26 -15055 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 5 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2010 41 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E9
f954de05-1b44-4087-8933-6cc72d81028d TCGA-E9-A1N5 2011-6-23 -16736 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2010 45 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
955d4263-61f7-42e8-8a6e-772a0d6c209d TCGA-E9-A1N6 2011-6-23 -19327 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
ac075bc0-1b59-4557-beea-541694faee03 TCGA-E9-A1N8 2011-6-23 -17652 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 48 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
994ca1f5-ad10-44ec-aa21-71fc2940653b TCGA-E9-A1N9 2011-6-23 -21228 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
af577366-0258-49e7-b6af-e70056c081a4 TCGA-E9-A1NA 2011-6-23 -21397 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
e74aea7c-ca14-49df-b5cf-dacb839ac27a TCGA-E9-A1NC 2011-6-23 -22355 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
f06f09f3-8133-4a92-ac86-fbe64295e0d8 TCGA-E9-A1ND 2011-6-23 -27400 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 75 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
3d676bba-154b-4d22-ab59-d4d4da051b94 TCGA-E9-A1NE 2011-6-23 -10564 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 28 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
a8b1f6e7-2bcf-460d-b1c6-1792a9801119 TCGA-E9-A1NF 2011-6-23 -21981 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 60 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
659b0170-e914-45ff-aa55-fcb8d3dc7b8a TCGA-E9-A1NG 2011-6-23 -22896 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
b2aac45b-2073-4c7a-adb9-769a4fdcc111 TCGA-E9-A1NH 2011-6-23 -26221 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
c65b835a-2d38-4250-a173-0780d2c2cf58 TCGA-E9-A1NI 2011-6-23 -18985 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive -7 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 51 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
b6b932ce-6856-4d94-9e6c-16dfbe51906f TCGA-E9-A1QZ 2011-7-28 -22397 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 61 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
f2da1d3f-f226-4c99-a97e-9b26f67d7a5d TCGA-E9-A1R0 2011-7-28 -21394 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
8631969d-4ac6-4fe1-9db3-d47db604494a TCGA-E9-A1R2 2011-7-28 -18936 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 19 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ Two-tier [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Two-tier [Not Available] Equivocal 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 114 74 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
4922cddc-575c-4b8a-8245-ce5f6876760c TCGA-E9-A1R3 2011-7-28 -25693 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 64 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
b7a4df9a-4e25-4550-9c10-338ca1921c2f TCGA-E9-A1R4 2011-7-28 -24181 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 29 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 66 Other method, specify: Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
23c21dea-3713-408f-ba56-f7c586e9f206 TCGA-E9-A1R5 2011-7-28 -23116 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 42 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 63 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
4842bac3-abaa-4900-871f-f2c3ba6457f5 TCGA-E9-A1R6 2011-7-28 -23347 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 84 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
2680da86-c977-4611-b75f-df015283c023 TCGA-E9-A1R7 2011-7-28 -23397 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 34 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 64 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
4b4e4ea8-6eb9-49ad-b880-c5065fe6517f TCGA-E9-A1RA 2011-7-28 -17699 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 29 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Other method, specify: Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
94b95984-b2fb-4e42-8887-45e7086c3179 TCGA-E9-A1RB 2011-7-28 -14755 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 21 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 40 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
5cdae21d-eee5-478f-932a-0f51fcf5f031 TCGA-E9-A1RC 2011-7-28 -20795 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1224 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2007 56 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
5fe3c51f-65e2-4da6-8924-a6fae17c022d TCGA-E9-A1RD 2011-7-28 -24719 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 20 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 67 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
24046547-d038-4616-b190-52ac93f4965f TCGA-E9-A1RE 2011-7-28 -27392 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 47 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 74 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
c694615c-b1c6-499c-8058-995633ebf948 TCGA-E9-A1RF 2011-8-2 -25119 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 38 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 68 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
8744733a-7b46-43aa-bdef-64876816adbb TCGA-E9-A1RG 2011-8-2 -22788 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 35 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 62 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
408cb583-6dc3-4698-8bd2-e284042bd5ef TCGA-E9-A1RH 2011-8-2 -23224 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 14 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 63 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
dd3bfb26-b534-4917-9c4d-9fe7b6477762 TCGA-E9-A1RI 2011-7-28 -15942 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 48 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 43 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
dd67408e-46ba-4573-9415-d4814e9f84de TCGA-E9-A226 2011-8-3 -16511 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 16 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 45 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
89a8da07-4487-47c6-8d3c-442a87e4f632 TCGA-E9-A227 2011-7-28 -15602 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 24 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 42 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 4+ Two-tier [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] 4+ Two-tier [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
b95eef8a-205f-4cf8-9d3c-ae51d406e1e0 TCGA-E9-A228 2011-8-2 -21294 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 58 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
cea9d8f9-e18c-4947-a461-5f712e3c1e6d TCGA-E9-A229 2011-8-2 -13817 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 37 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
4aacbc42-5ac5-4339-b9fa-c6e812084837 TCGA-E9-A22A 2011-8-2 -27288 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 74 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
b956df1b-bc77-4bdb-a5bd-5dda7b4c8da7 TCGA-E9-A22B 2011-8-2 -26278 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating ductal and lobular carcinoma 2011 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8522/3 C50.9 NO E9
cf0a3f38-5850-44e1-8574-808bd37d84a3 TCGA-E9-A22D 2011-8-2 -14115 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 38 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
64d4dfae-8d91-464b-adc3-80ba7caf54ae TCGA-E9-A22E 2011-8-2 -20574 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
56033839-35d5-4d72-8b8c-400cb345263d TCGA-E9-A22G 2011-8-2 -17300 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 47 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
161917b8-88ad-407b-ade6-d6b98478b359 TCGA-E9-A22H 2011-8-2 -15504 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 42 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
d4a1ecdc-399c-4f82-aa7a-68a0c82ded3f TCGA-E9-A243 2011-8-17 -19035 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 43 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 52 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
a4c59287-1ad5-46a5-8040-e591e6ce064f TCGA-E9-A244 2011-3-15 -19778 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 21 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 54 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
8218119a-f68b-4ea7-9ee4-5e2edc2ae342 TCGA-E9-A245 2011-3-16 -17363 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 26 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 47 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
636b0a90-c8c2-4ad6-a77d-6cd428a826d1 TCGA-E9-A247 2011-8-18 -21562 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 13 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 59 Other method, specify: Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
539bbbed-43fb-4fef-9c67-6406f58b186a TCGA-E9-A248 2011-3-22 -18684 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 22 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 51 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
fb3607eb-858e-4ecd-8477-95140658c6d2 TCGA-E9-A249 2011-3-22 -16689 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 29 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 45 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
9f3cc92b-fa22-478e-a2e4-6b4c8afb93d6 TCGA-E9-A24A 2011-3-22 -25370 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 11 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 69 Other method, specify: Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO E9
fec0da58-1047-44d2-b6d1-c18cceed43dc TCGA-E9-A295 2011-9-12 -25957 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 22 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 71 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] 7 [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] 7 [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
4A831893-F4CA-4357-A756-B5E954E35DD7 TCGA-E9-A2JS 2011-12-20 -26407 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 13 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 72 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
B35FBE19-0E6D-427E-B9BE-EE3527B5FCA6 TCGA-E9-A2JT 2011-12-20 -23318 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 23 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 63 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
807B62ED-D3F7-4211-83BE-754386FF2C96 TCGA-E9-A3HO 2012-2-20 -18046 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 19 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 49 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E9
E36E985D-2C44-4E14-854A-7DBCA4BB0304 TCGA-E9-A3Q9 2012-4-30 -28715 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 31 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 78 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] 8 [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] 8 [Not Available] Indeterminate <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E9
F3CB557D-23E4-4FD1-81CA-DB1A3F56D56E TCGA-E9-A3QA 2012-4-30 -12142 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 19 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 33 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 NO E9
95873E61-AFDB-496C-9F77-3F9BEB008CDA TCGA-E9-A3X8 2012-8-24 -17588 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 23 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] 8 [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] 8 [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO E9
3DBC8D60-3A97-47B2-91D0-C18FB46B4365 TCGA-E9-A54X 2013-6-21 -31173 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 85 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
182C4BDF-2C58-4303-B034-459DA86B9D90 TCGA-E9-A54Y 2013-6-21 -23057 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 63 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
B304302A-F2B9-4CD7-AB14-C21EDF7778EA TCGA-E9-A5FK 2013-5-22 -22199 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 12 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 60 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
E3935CE4-64D3-4A66-BA11-D308B844B410 TCGA-E9-A5FL 2013-5-22 -24053 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 8 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 65 Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid) [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Metaplastic Carcinoma C50.9 8575/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
ED2617C3-5D3B-4688-9283-0F8A10E0B10D TCGA-E9-A5UO 2013-5-23 -15050 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 7 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 41 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Partial mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
A412B374-4D25-491F-B76F-DDAA989ACF59 TCGA-E9-A5UP 2013-5-23 -23371 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] Infiltrating papillary adenocarcinoma 2012 63 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
7E9C8D3C-790C-46AD-8F31-B557B7C26F69 TCGA-E9-A6HE 2013-10-16 -16697 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 92 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.8 1.7 30 1.08 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] E9
5e2cbc56-97f9-4b94-ade2-a3f739bcc7be TCGA-EW-A1IW 2011-5-27 -29529 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 252 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ CISH + or - [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO EW
e8614b7d-132e-4b4e-b1ae-df8bb4f2d4d4 TCGA-EW-A1IX 2011-6-10 -17597 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) ASIAN HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1082 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Invasive tubulolobular carcinoma 2008 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 NO EW
5ff12cbe-a3e0-4ce6-8452-12b984a1baaf TCGA-EW-A1IY 2011-5-10 -14122 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 258 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
c0f88fc5-56b0-4255-bbd1-9a21ced8b37b TCGA-EW-A1IZ 2011-5-11 -19706 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 260 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 53 Other method, specify: stereotactic biopsy Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
ed6cef77-1bd9-4e3b-b576-550a91e4253a TCGA-EW-A1J1 2011-5-11 -14122 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 282 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 38 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
a381275f-8858-4793-a8a2-0ca9db7274c8 TCGA-EW-A1J2 2011-5-27 -18558 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 140 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO EW
bb1de798-0c02-437e-b539-33cb556d3993 TCGA-EW-A1J3 2011-5-18 -22332 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 252 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other TOTAL MASTECTOMY [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO EW
5d8ed961-a012-4b6b-bffb-9468d3953646 TCGA-EW-A1J5 2011-6-10 -21559 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 227 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO EW
87281a89-91d2-44f7-9f80-668567ad5c72 TCGA-EW-A1J6 2011-5-11 -25830 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 595 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
ac68d219-5670-4ddd-8df6-8aa7ad59e5c7 TCGA-EW-A1OV 2011-5-27 -20764 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 523 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
f55dd73d-8c36-440b-84e5-9aae53107775 TCGA-EW-A1OW 2011-5-18 -21465 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 464 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8090/3 C50.9 NO EW
5fc7ff35-d3f7-4687-8759-3542bd58e988 TCGA-EW-A1OX 2011-5-18 -15837 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 562 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 NO EW
53ff5893-7d5e-4bcb-be9c-665fa34b7824 TCGA-EW-A1OY 2011-6-10 -23266 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 593 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
8f912a40-3251-4e1f-ae65-1f93d71f9881 TCGA-EW-A1OZ 2011-5-11 -20664 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 941 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 2 40 2.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
81e32f39-3aa0-468b-87ed-dd2eb6165ddf TCGA-EW-A1P0 2011-5-10 -20107 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1121 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] IDC+ mucinous carcinoma 2008 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8523/3 C50.9 YES EW
f2e28af9-c40e-41c4-9e82-205cca38f26a TCGA-EW-A1P1 2011-5-27 -24923 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 920 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Lung [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal <10% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES EW
1ff85ada-3cdd-4afb-b311-2c7befb52702 TCGA-EW-A1P3 2011-6-10 -17637 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 987 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
521e2140-ae5b-456f-8699-97398d009687 TCGA-EW-A1P4 2011-5-11 -15989 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 501 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 NO EW
53d0af48-d7ea-42c9-8695-c614b89b415b TCGA-EW-A1P5 2011-5-11 -28177 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 365 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.12 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
ee5744c0-a8dc-43f2-abdd-0b5529a3e9fb TCGA-EW-A1P6 2011-5-19 -23485 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 312 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
01674b2c-5cf2-478f-84a1-f69c39f47bd4 TCGA-EW-A1P7 2011-5-18 -21750 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 635 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
359f12f9-5c41-48a4-85bc-fd7e307bf7d8 TCGA-EW-A1P8 2011-5-27 -21501 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 239 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 58 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Lung|Bone|Liver|Other, specify skin Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES EW
4cfef7f9-f1ee-401c-a2a3-c225d4adc3b6 TCGA-EW-A1PA 2011-5-11 -21837 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 267 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
88db1340-e4bf-451a-87c0-6e9168296f5e TCGA-EW-A1PB 2011-5-18 -25770 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 608 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
F45210D3-9E66-4F5E-BEF1-5EE5547CC893 TCGA-EW-A1PC 2011-9-28 -24434 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 187 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
4dfc233b-ed03-4825-8089-e04cdee99996 TCGA-EW-A1PD 2011-5-18 -22536 MALE [Not Available] WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 175 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 20-29% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive >6.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] 2.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
f3b86c02-09a5-4e97-aa7a-86f13f7cda4b TCGA-EW-A1PE 2011-5-27 -20694 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 107 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 56 [Discrepancy] [Not Available] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8507/3 C50.9 NO EW
848773a3-2f4a-4186-ab3f-de667129accf TCGA-EW-A1PF 2011-5-27 -18384 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 140 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other total mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
da286247-e8bb-4941-a2af-2453fe61cd02 TCGA-EW-A1PG 2011-5-18 -19464 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 876 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <4.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO EW
4da999a0-ef41-4a0b-b1d1-446b39cc855a TCGA-EW-A1PH 2011-5-27 -19073 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 140 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2010 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
AF97E043-88CB-4F99-8F8B-9BCBCCCDF842 TCGA-EW-A2FR 2011-10-12 -21628 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1120 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 10-19% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive >6 2 40 3.0 [Not Available] ratio > 2.2 is positive Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
D34471A1-B367-4F8A-B35A-C5901C4F5503 TCGA-EW-A2FS 2011-10-12 -15302 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1173 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2008 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
F45AA0B2-F3DE-4DB5-9730-E5C6C4E2ED3A TCGA-EW-A2FV 2011-10-5 -14316 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 239 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] invasive micropapillary ductal carcinoma 2011 39 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8507/3 C50.9 NO EW
E6F527A2-38EB-457E-BB39-3C5B9C0BCBEC TCGA-EW-A2FW 2011-10-5 -19085 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No [Discrepancy] TUMOR FREE Alive 191 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] invasive papillary carcinoma 2011 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8503/3 C50.9 NO EW
C0B7B798-3383-4A45-A455-9ECA5810739E TCGA-EW-A3E8 2013-2-8 -21922 FEMALE [Not Evaluated] WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 647 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
D9DC3B59-613D-469E-8B4F-6C5A557EB26A TCGA-EW-A3U0 2012-5-24 -22520 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 229 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2011 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other partial left mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO EW
BDD08EC8-8892-4273-8F21-6FDE0F23C52D TCGA-EW-A423 2013-1-4 -27627 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 309 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
A6502F17-6BEE-4D5A-8520-06364593D39C TCGA-EW-A424 2013-3-26 -18850 FEMALE [Not Evaluated] WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 322 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
9676E46B-8F29-43CD-AB65-EB6A535CCED4 TCGA-EW-A6S9 2015-3-13 -12755 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 463 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 34 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
ABA5F46A-E67A-4CD2-9C52-C0686968FF04 TCGA-EW-A6SA 2015-2-27 -21623 MALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 510 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
5C59028F-B8FA-4811-8314-BE3EAED5F364 TCGA-EW-A6SB 2015-3-12 -22844 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 760 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
97862B8E-9F76-4B19-A865-156A9C00FB1E TCGA-EW-A6SC 2015-3-12 -21918 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 952 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 60 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
42378DBC-A123-4CF9-8502-165E89FDA271 TCGA-EW-A6SD 2015-3-14 -12006 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1010 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 32 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] EW
33fe5833-d7a0-43d7-a03d-56985ea448a6 TCGA-GI-A2C8 2011-10-21 -23103 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No Yes [Not Available] Alive 225 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 63 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GI
9F6BE944-83DE-42AB-8738-F0022F475E61 TCGA-GI-A2C9 2011-10-21 -21534 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 711 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GI
1133B8A9-6B11-4511-B70A-F200E3B8B5DB TCGA-GM-A2D9 2011-9-28 -25490 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 1812 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Bone [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.23 1.93 60 1.16 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES GM
C07B122E-AC50-4DB2-ADD2-5617A5D0E976 TCGA-GM-A2DA 2011-9-28 -16854 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 5909 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 1993 46 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 90-99% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 15 3.70 60 4.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 YES GM
6E6B7742-A562-490B-BB72-04A5653852E4 TCGA-GM-A2DB 2011-9-28 -22883 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1616 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.67 1.50 60 1.11 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
DD43FFD9-DA18-4AD3-ABE7-6F443C76A717 TCGA-GM-A2DC 2011-9-29 -21122 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1628 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 4.70 4.43 60 1.06 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
B343BFE0-7C23-4C6A-8C84-9EE39DB2ECDA TCGA-GM-A2DD 2011-9-29 -19415 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1309 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal <10% 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.62 1.45 60 1.11 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
D6F7AFC0-1558-43AD-ACB1-2B5311ED2264 TCGA-GM-A2DF 2011-9-29 -19614 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1299 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 53 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.57 1.40 60 1.12 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
5700C1B3-922A-4401-8AB8-89028908D696 TCGA-GM-A2DH 2011-9-29 -21344 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1286 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2007 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.80 2.80 60 1.00 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
66FA504C-4AE4-49AC-9355-1E063776DC0D TCGA-GM-A2DI 2011-9-29 -19030 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1883 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.53 3.33 60 1.06 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
3A0775A0-61AE-43F2-B5F6-629A44355C2F TCGA-GM-A2DK 2011-9-29 -21198 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1896 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2005 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
A76774FE-7298-4D68-A2B2-C1BAD93F0C31 TCGA-GM-A2DL 2011-9-29 -18475 FEMALE Peri (6-12 months since last menstrual period) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2763 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
753D5D49-3B40-4737-9D4C-B1EC29CC2692 TCGA-GM-A2DM 2011-9-30 -21160 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2331 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 40-49% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
56BBD282-B88D-4730-9242-AB97D08DC83A TCGA-GM-A2DN 2011-9-30 -21288 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2352 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2004 58 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 NO GM
5FD37868-4762-4109-9DCF-6FDBAB5B645D TCGA-GM-A2DO 2011-9-30 -19842 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1623 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2006 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO GM
6DDAEE34-46EB-490C-BD13-F0AB963C4322 TCGA-GM-A3NW 2012-1-3 -23041 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2982 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2003 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal 30-39% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.80 1.57 60 1.15 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO GM
BD5374C9-7F36-457F-B66B-7CC7FF64224E TCGA-GM-A3NY 2012-1-3 -26642 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 743 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2009 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO GM
6F0FD68F-ED6A-4C9E-BE02-C97BA4950F76 TCGA-GM-A3XG 2012-10-1 -16948 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 982 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2009 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.73 1.67 60 1.04 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
65CAC997-4D39-4501-85EC-4FCB328A8EB5 TCGA-GM-A3XL 2012-10-1 -18171 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1717 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2007 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 0.99 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
0930E97A-72EA-4BD5-B2F0-50C76AF695F3 TCGA-GM-A3XN 2012-10-1 -16109 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1641 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2007 44 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.85 1.73 60 1.07 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
6397D7BC-9CB1-4A84-81AD-76954E0A8CEE TCGA-GM-A4E0 2012-11-26 -24788 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1753 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2007 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
67C8DC41-EDCB-4563-96B3-3F93F9EDCBE9 TCGA-GM-A5PV 2013-4-12 -23215 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 412 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.65 2.70 40 1.35 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
F7064D01-29D8-49A2-AD60-1E0C5F148F3E TCGA-GM-A5PX 2013-4-12 -23753 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 551 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2011 65 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 30-39% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.98 1.78 60 [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] GM
124B693C-77DC-4FA8-B703-54E8B5054A92 TCGA-HN-A2NL 2014-5-30 -20483 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) [Not Evaluated] [Not Evaluated] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 79 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] [Not Available] 56 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] HN
61204CDF-3B1C-44A1-BDA6-0FEF1AC4A333 TCGA-HN-A2OB 2013-9-26 -16672 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) [Not Evaluated] [Not Evaluated] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 1849 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] [Not Available] 45 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.0 1.7 60 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] HN
A2434F47-2168-47D0-9BBB-981071597843 TCGA-JL-A3YW 2012-11-8 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 360 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2011 49 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] JL
75F6E476-233A-409C-A3EF-0240BE569813 TCGA-JL-A3YX 2012-11-8 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 352 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2011 46 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] JL
38DC3E09-0B0E-4A29-B318-CC0352013DAE TCGA-LD-A66U 2013-6-27 -16101 FEMALE [Not Evaluated] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 252 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 44 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LD
38A4E9BD-93E9-432D-A756-3B1055B823BD TCGA-LD-A74U 2013-12-30 -28981 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No WITH TUMOR Alive 203 [Not Applicable] NO YES Invasive lobular carcinoma, classical type, focal pleomorphic type 2013 79 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 8524/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LD
A06FF6AE-B0DD-4516-A75C-0DB71694B46B TCGA-LD-A7W5 2014-2-3 -19169 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 124 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 52 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LD
0B0F9938-CE1E-4814-8821-0132D137EB9E TCGA-LD-A7W6 2014-2-3 -20077 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 140 [Not Applicable] NO YES Invasive lobular carcinoma, mixed classical (70%) and pleomorphic/solid (30%) types 2013 54 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.2 8524/3 C50.2 [Not Available] LD
95C53ECF-D8F1-4BCB-9B1A-C9A0542939F0 TCGA-LD-A9QF 2014-5-7 -26869 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 266 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LD
00B11CA8-8540-4A3D-B602-EC754B00230B TCGA-LL-A440 2012-10-26 -22497 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 20 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 79 46 20 1.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
69FC24FC-CFE2-487A-935F-1A954B30B709 TCGA-LL-A441 2012-11-5 -22772 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 91 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 62 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
3F56D67F-5A9C-4353-9408-E7F60EB6477B TCGA-LL-A442 2012-10-26 -20495 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 109 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 56 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 60 35 20 1.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
91DA548B-5C64-49C3-A44A-1EF115F53311 TCGA-LL-A50Y 2013-3-8 -30934 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 210 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 84 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.6 2.5 167 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
1D75E89D-4B01-443C-BE54-749C7A667BF4 TCGA-LL-A5YL 2013-6-3 -23395 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 169 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.6 2.9 65 0.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
E9A12DF9-024E-4CBC-B6BF-E4E87485FA90 TCGA-LL-A5YM 2013-6-3 -32478 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 143 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2012 88 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other partial mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 172 54 20 3.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8541/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
EF1B3332-CD7F-41BB-A2D3-2538E7BECC5C TCGA-LL-A5YN 2013-5-20 -16884 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 111 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 172 54 20 3.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
B8AEFC48-4A6E-4254-A57F-5F688399B582 TCGA-LL-A5YO 2013-5-8 -18354 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 97 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
6D24E675-2FA4-4102-861F-7516650B3049 TCGA-LL-A5YP 2013-5-20 -18041 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No [Unknown] Alive 99 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 118 35 20 3.4 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
5C9D8163-A68E-43CE-9CBA-EFFB7405761E TCGA-LL-A6FP 2013-9-3 -32873 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No Yes TUMOR FREE Alive 0 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 90 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.6 3.1 549 0.9 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
92B842C5-F71B-4EF7-BA86-358D28E0966F TCGA-LL-A6FQ 2013-8-30 -28375 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 80 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
1347C23D-8D6E-4C15-9461-640249838C96 TCGA-LL-A6FR 2013-8-30 -18520 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 118 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 50 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] 20 2.7 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
EA645243-DF49-4466-A255-9F3D4321E357 TCGA-LL-A73Y 2013-11-12 -24647 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 126 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
3E637872-F5E5-49D3-BB0D-9C16B8713382 TCGA-LL-A73Z 2013-11-15 -20118 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 137 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 55 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] Other, specify skin Positive 10-19% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2.5 2.2 243 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
AA60FA8D-C374-40E0-AF2D-B007701E67E3 TCGA-LL-A740 2013-11-12 -22416 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 137 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 3.3 2.9 113 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
09A5E9FD-D816-4F8C-BAA9-0E40BA607B16 TCGA-LL-A7SZ 2014-1-7 -18161 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 170 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 49 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other SKIN SPARING RADICAL MASTECTOMY [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
D8F8064F-02EF-4FED-942B-714CBE5E8455 TCGA-LL-A7T0 2014-1-3 -25867 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 98 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 70 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
E1786E78-AC46-46FD-8CE0-8F7456E46082 TCGA-LL-A8F5 2014-2-19 -22544 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 189 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
6AF6D256-A753-46D2-B611-E4094FF265AA TCGA-LL-A9Q3 2014-5-21 -25477 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 224 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 69 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LL
4F321D41-3255-46A4-AE0D-1CF39699E624 TCGA-LQ-A4E4 2012-12-5 -26883 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 484 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 73 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.1 1.1 60 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] LQ
910655DA-2C12-4572-96B7-DED616E69B4B TCGA-MS-A51U 2012-9-12 -16213 FEMALE [Not Available] WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 85 [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Applicable] 2012 44 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 NO MS
CD7FB75E-1C2E-4201-86D3-B3BA21F476BF TCGA-OK-A5Q2 2013-1-22 -21555 FEMALE [Unknown] [Not Evaluated] [Not Evaluated] No No [Unknown] Alive 64 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 59 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 20-29% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OK
C3A981C7-F148-4252-BD50-AF8A49EC0DF8 TCGA-OL-A5D6 2013-4-19 -26052 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 385 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2009 71 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
C8F39325-5382-447C-9291-A6915FC978B8 TCGA-OL-A5D7 2013-4-19 -25643 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1416 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2009 70 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.36 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
6D4860B2-21C6-4B7B-9093-2F32700D0612 TCGA-OL-A5D8 2013-4-19 -14853 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 229 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2009 40 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 2 2.25 20 0.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
4E509F73-99C7-48EB-A3A4-D34E3BFACE33 TCGA-OL-A5DA 2013-4-23 -22411 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1357 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2009 61 Other method, specify: Ultrasound-guided mammotome biopsy Other partial mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1 [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
B8A44FDF-9CB9-4123-9AB0-4BC198921FEE TCGA-OL-A5RU 2013-5-16 -23108 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 841 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2010 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.02 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
1D38D356-D126-4476-94D0-26616B9375B1 TCGA-OL-A5RV 2013-5-16 -15820 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 733 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.00 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
A82D0A57-4383-473D-B334-D13B278404B1 TCGA-OL-A5RW 2013-5-16 -14638 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 797 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2010 40 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.91 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
43C0BEC6-6FAC-47B1-83CB-200A15A932BE TCGA-OL-A5RX 2013-5-16 -18942 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 513 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2011 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.0 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
8360CEC6-DAF6-41C9-9A4F-7FC03C958DCC TCGA-OL-A5RY 2013-5-16 -19216 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No WITH TUMOR Alive 429 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2011 52 Other method, specify: Ultrasound-guided biopsy Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 7.6 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
7E8713BD-0B17-4F09-9696-BC29707D862B TCGA-OL-A5RZ 2013-5-16 -21038 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 313 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2012 57 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 21.0 2.0 [Not Available] 10.3 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
43B3BF47-7313-4DFB-952A-EC0B9D48E16C TCGA-OL-A5S0 2013-5-16 -24139 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 298 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 3.8 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
76BD9BB9-9A8B-4A90-BB7C-EAFE76472EE4 TCGA-OL-A66H 2013-6-11 -27280 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 413 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2012 74 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.8 1.7 [Not Available] 1.03 [Not Available] [Not Available] Mucinous Carcinoma C50.9 8480/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
35BD694D-1DD2-466F-AB27-03320614B40E TCGA-OL-A66I 2013-6-11 -13458 FEMALE [Not Evaluated] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 714 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2008 36 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.04 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
96E1FC6D-693F-4F4F-B5F7-8D6E1C6C43F8 TCGA-OL-A66J 2013-6-11 -29345 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1658 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2008 80 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 50-59% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.50 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
2AB1B35B-9E56-475C-AC9B-15ED0A422683 TCGA-OL-A66K 2013-6-11 -26299 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1021 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2010 72 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.23 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
AF0ACAA9-A61C-4E57-BC0D-453AD5BF193A TCGA-OL-A66L 2013-6-11 -26186 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 945 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2010 71 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.10 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
E9002F4E-BA0B-4738-9368-DD9614A5DA8A TCGA-OL-A66N 2013-6-11 -21608 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 413 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2011 59 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 80-89% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
A45833E1-7CC9-4273-B408-620F74679A12 TCGA-OL-A66O 2013-6-11 -14272 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 220 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 39 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.2 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
F81AC8A2-4CE6-439E-B027-1C0BFC88CEAA TCGA-OL-A66P 2013-6-11 -27489 FEMALE [Not Available] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No [Unknown] Alive 58 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 75 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.13 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
398FB71B-CA83-44E7-BF0D-B1CA464B0283 TCGA-OL-A6VO 2013-12-5 -15780 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 480 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 43 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.23 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
34126CD5-CC38-4198-8582-C14FB5DB7ACB TCGA-OL-A6VQ 2014-2-20 -18151 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 229 [Not Applicable] [Unknown] [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2012 49 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 10-19% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.05 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
DB3E1CE8-4A05-4BFC-B5AE-13CF789369E1 TCGA-OL-A6VR 2013-12-5 -17702 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 848 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2011 48 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 30-39% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] 1.23 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
6FFD1B8C-6F0B-456A-9160-E0C8021E5897 TCGA-OL-A97C 2014-3-18 -24735 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 195 [Not Applicable] NO [Unknown] malignant phyllodes 2013 67 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Other, specify C50.9 9020/3 C50.9 [Not Available] OL
76099BEB-0ABE-4B56-8B4E-E4485E0402E6 TCGA-PE-A5DC 2013-4-30 -26514 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Dead [Not Available] 1430 YES YES [Not Applicable] 2005 72 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PE
B0700958-5F90-4546-B35F-635CD506889B TCGA-PE-A5DD 2013-5-6 -23686 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) ASIAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1953 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2006 64 Incisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Reexc of biopsy site for gross/micro residual disease [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PE
89C128B9-1C6B-4C04-A4AF-7066772E783C TCGA-PE-A5DE 2013-4-24 -15216 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE [Unknown] No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1855 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2007 41 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Partial Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PE
389E5B18-8F89-41A9-9FA5-EFD4172836E2 TCGA-PL-A8LV 2014-3-25 -19746 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive -7 [Not Applicable] NO [Unknown] [Not Applicable] 2013 54 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Medullary Carcinoma C50.9 8510/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PL
FE2CD610-AA52-4789-AC62-7683281BB22F TCGA-PL-A8LX 2014-3-25 -12840 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 5 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 35 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] Bone|Liver [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PL
9BA11EA8-97D3-464A-90A4-EC1151BE9088 TCGA-PL-A8LY 2014-3-26 -11199 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Alive 8 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 30 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PL
9087585F-E792-4F33-BAAA-56FFE0F745BE TCGA-PL-A8LZ 2014-5-5 -10869 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 120 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 29 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] PL
FBEE40F1-D6D8-4156-8D42-36E09BB9F095 TCGA-S3-A6ZF 2013-11-12 -23650 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 212 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 64 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Moderate CAP scoring guideline 2010 Positive 40-49% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] moderate CAP scoring guideline 2010 Equivocal 50-59% 2+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative 60 39 20 1.5 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
1A679332-30A3-4495-A2E5-39D299E14333 TCGA-S3-A6ZG 2013-11-12 -26141 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 207 [Not Applicable] NO YES Invasive mixed ductal and lobular carcinoma 2013 71 Excisional Biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Moderate CAP scoring guideline 2010 Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Moderate CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP scoring guidelines 2010 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Mixed Histology (please specify) C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
EC461EAF-F5CB-4225-A9A0-59D8E6C17EA6 TCGA-S3-A6ZH 2013-11-12 -10832 FEMALE [Unknown] BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 263 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 29 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Strong CAP scoring guideline 2010 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative 79 69 20 1.1 [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
CFFE832C-8A81-4CDB-8B25-DF7F35AFAFDC TCGA-S3-AA0Z 2014-4-18 -23314 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 322 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] moderate CAP scoring guideline 2010 Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Equivocal 10-19% 1+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative 42 33 20 1.3 [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
23C31C2E-336C-4878-A476-CF8D811B4875 TCGA-S3-AA10 2014-4-18 -24075 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 241 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 65 Fine needle aspiration biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
0DD8DBC1-C48B-4E7C-B401-57101F724967 TCGA-S3-AA11 2014-4-18 -24813 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 169 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 67 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 4 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Positive 60-69% 3 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Equivocal <10% 2+ [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Negative 59 40 20 1.5 [Not Available] CAP scoring guideline 2010 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
2BCACFD1-6A45-4B96-9B80-2AD569B1AB45 TCGA-S3-AA12 2014-4-18 -30101 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 259 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 82 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] Lung|Other, specify left adrenal gland Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 2+ MODERATE CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale 2+ MODERATE CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2007 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
929ACC67-B8BF-4F65-9110-380E44AB66B7 TCGA-S3-AA14 2014-4-18 -17352 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 218 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 47 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other EXCISION WITH NEEDLE WIRE LOCALIZATION [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Positive 70-79% 3+ [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
E783E518-C1E5-4EAC-8EAF-E2D65CCD9692 TCGA-S3-AA15 2014-4-18 -18659 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 209 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 51 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative [Not Available] 3 Point Scale [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
49A2FD48-744D-4D88-B9B4-8C778D4F48FD TCGA-S3-AA17 2014-4-21 -23642 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 119 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 64 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ STRONG CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 2+ MODERATE CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Equivocal [Not Available] 2+ [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Negative 61 35 20 1.7 [Not Available] CAP SCORING GUIDELINE 2010 Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] S3
4B54E06E-A280-4981-A4E1-9AEA154341B4 TCGA-UL-AAZ6 2014-8-28 -26999 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 426 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 73 [Not Available] [Not Applicable] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] UL
45013972-2DFD-4F82-A076-E3E4AF1B43B8 TCGA-UU-A93S 2014-11-11 -23278 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No WITH TUMOR Dead [Not Available] 116 NO NO [Not Applicable] 2013 63 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] Bone|Liver [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] UU
1285EB55-415C-494A-AA58-936F0427CDD0 TCGA-V7-A7HQ 2015-3-31 -27684 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 1590 [Not Applicable] NO NO [Not Applicable] 2009 75 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 60-69% 3 Point Scale [Not Available] Moderate to strong [Not Available] Positive 80-89% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative 1.1 1.0 20 1.1 [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] V7
90FF48C3-B14B-4A8B-94A1-98C0BAB0D27B TCGA-W8-A86G 2014-1-29 -24125 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 161 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2013 66 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] W8
E7DB08A7-B439-4230-8DC4-1B54AF4736C4 TCGA-WT-AB41 2014-7-16 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) BLACK OR AFRICAN AMERICAN NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 1550 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2010 55 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive <10% 3 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma C50.9 8500/3 C50.9 [Not Available] WT
5CD79093-1571-4F71-8136-0D84CCABDCAC TCGA-WT-AB44 2014-7-16 [Not Available] FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 791 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2012 77 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% 3 Point Scale 3+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] WT
F89588E9-CA73-4465-A7FB-7246EDB45E3A TCGA-XX-A899 2014-2-21 -17022 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 292 [Not Applicable] YES YES [Not Applicable] 2013 46 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Modified Radical Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 90-99% [Not Available] [Not Available] strong [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] strong [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] XX
CA20249F-B7EA-4FD9-9ECB-34F74755AE35 TCGA-XX-A89A 2014-2-21 -25000 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 278 [Not Applicable] YES NO [Not Applicable] 2013 68 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Simple Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] moderately to strongly [Not Available] Positive 70-79% [Not Available] [Not Available] moderately to strongly [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] XX
23F438BD-1DBB-4D46-972F-1E8E74DDBD37 TCGA-Z7-A8R5 2014-7-9 -22280 FEMALE Post (prior bilateral ovariectomy OR >12 mo since LMP with no prior hysterectomy) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO Yes No TUMOR FREE Alive 3042 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2005 61 Core needle biopsy [Not Applicable] Other Segmental Mastectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 4 Point Scale 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.9 8520/3 C50.9 [Not Available] Z7
B1D44C81-747D-471F-9093-AEB262A17975 TCGA-Z7-A8R6 2014-7-9 -16955 FEMALE Pre (<6 months since LMP AND no prior bilateral ovariectomy AND not on estrogen replacement) WHITE NOT HISPANIC OR LATINO No No TUMOR FREE Alive 2800 [Not Applicable] NO YES [Not Applicable] 2005 46 Tumor resection [Not Applicable] Lumpectomy [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Positive [Not Available] 4 Point Scale 2+ [Not Available] [Not Available] Negative [Not Available] 1+ [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Evaluated] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] [Not Available] Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma C50.8 8022/3 C50.8 [Not Available] Z7


  • bcr_patient_uuid is the GDC unique identifier for this case and is likely best suited for constructing a unique identifier for this patient.

  • bcr_patient_barcode is the TCGA-submitted identifier that is frequently used in file names, etc. associated with this patient.

  • ‘er_status_by_ihc’, ‘pr_status_by_ihc’, and ‘her2_status_by_ihc’ columns (or “breast_carcinoma_estrogen_receptor_status”, “breast_carcinoma_progesterone_receptor_status”, and “lab_proc_her2_neu_immunohistochemistry_receptor_status” respectively) take the values: Equivocal, Indeterminate, Negative, Positive, [Not Available], and [Not Evaluated]. Below we’ve taken those entries with three Negative values to be TNBC. (See https://www.biostars.org/p/279048/ for details)

  • surgical_procedure_first with values like “Lumpectomy” and “Modified Radical Mastectomy” can be mapped to SNOMED 392021009 and 172043006.

  • method_initial_path_dx values, however, can only partially be mapped to SNOMED. ‘Core needle biopsy’ is 9911007 and ‘Fine needle aspiration biopsy’ is 48635004 but others are less clear:
    • ‘Cytology (e.g. Peritoneal or pleural fluid)’
    • ‘Excisional Biopsy’
    • ‘Incisional Biopsy’
    • ‘Other method, specify:’
    • ‘Tumor resection’
    • ‘[Discrepancy]’
    • ‘[Not Available]’
  • method_initial_path_dx_other values have similar issues plus misspellings (“Patey’s Suregery” vs. -“Patey’s Surgery”) as well as differences in capitalization (‘SKIN BIOPSY’ vs. ‘Skin biopsy’).

Mutations and slides for TNBC cases

Once the above table has been used to identify the 116 TNBC cases, then the GraphQL API can be used to check for other data features, e.g., whether or not a high-impact somatic mutation was associated with the case or if there are images of tissue slides are available:

TCGA Case High-impact somatic mutations Images available
016caf42-4e19-4444-ab5d-6cf1e76c4afa yes
05506f4c-e701-4a9d-ae06-97f066aade43 UGT1A6 , CREBBP yes
0685edd2-ce1c-4e0e-8dda-393139af4223 yes
0dca98b0-f43e-45b6-9a02-00092c78678c yes
128d198e-9b22-427c-90db-3714455f3a17 QPCT yes
1549dc64-3dab-43fc-96e9-b07d520957e1 BAP1 yes
17d9e646-6ab3-40b3-a0bc-2c834d3c3213 AP2M1 yes
18d35983-ea6a-4b70-a209-9bef37595956 FARP2 , OR2U1P yes
18eb4dfc-556f-4bf3-a411-4780209ed1e0 KRT18P55 , TMEM106B , ADAMTS18 yes
1c3610f7-e0aa-48d7-9a27-0dbaf6e244f9 POLD1 yes
1c40b84e-a0e3-429f-a48c-21566cf881c0 TP53 , RB1 yes
20e8106b-1290-4735-abe4-7621e08e3dc8 RABGAP1 yes
27b05b15-a44b-45ed-a6e3-e7d1ca488ea9 DCANP1 yes
295cf595-4a29-46a3-a0c5-e5f08f947031 SPG11 yes
2a84997d-ccee-4f46-bea2-752534f26416 yes
324bcba2-f6a4-45a6-807c-215bdffcca21 ARFGEF1 , PARP9 yes
359f12f9-5c41-48a4-85bc-fd7e307bf7d8 CELSR3 , BRWD1 yes
3886b4fb-ba22-4a50-b11a-a6893951f170 BNIP5 yes
3afa1e93-1df8-4e4c-aaa4-557463f4bb77 TSPAN12 yes
3e9f93c0-aa79-4b4c-bd6c-b3325912362a MYPN , NRXN3 yes
495f9eda-b9be-4eef-bae1-766a4bfbd68e CDX4 yes
49717f75-0f2d-4e1c-9a12-f1cd7877b80a SI yes
4ac693e9-10f3-46b3-9d46-df3af7b0d259 COPG1 yes
4d51159f-ab2f-40e3-a363-847c3654431e yes
4da999a0-ef41-4a0b-b1d1-446b39cc855a DKKL1 , TP53 yes
4f608829-ffc4-4527-886e-6bc764ab29f5 yes
4fba3deb-db94-44b5-a0f2-a575d270779e yes
521e2140-ae5b-456f-8699-97398d009687 KRT9 , DCHS2 yes
5a17dcd9-5ced-4a69-8069-23c7fd0649d1 yes
5a57dc25-d252-4b22-b192-4de630d7002f yes
5ed024e8-d05e-4c65-9441-eda9930ccc82 ARL6IP5 yes
5fd9552a-c742-4388-940d-295d1107ae00 yes
60df7543-6da5-4c75-943b-5800c1e08234 TP53 , MSANTD3 yes
6412854a-f874-469e-9d1f-8bd3ae5bd41d CTBP1 , ZNF836 yes
6b960b58-28e1-41c6-bd6e-7e669c6aa4ef yes
70ab4f23-23c4-409f-a5cc-18a010c3a24e EEF1A1 , ACTL6B yes
71f97b63-c970-44ee-98c2-e02e663d5a40 yes
747083ff-0703-431b-aad4-f2adff739516 NF1 , CRACR2A , TERF2IP yes
752ad011-79e0-494f-9868-98bf6feb28f8 SLC51A , ATP11A yes
786e8dbe-442e-4551-87b3-b4c333b04dd4 yes
791c5768-f0f5-4ab6-86eb-998e5c4b49e3 yes
7e1673f8-5758-4963-8804-d5e39f06205b yes
84a88e8d-1e65-4b88-aae6-bf4c7a7e4c33 SLC9B2 , AKIRIN1 yes
88db1340-e4bf-451a-87c0-6e9168296f5e NBEAL2 yes
91a2f2af-e4b1-4a0b-ab20-6a36ce63c533 SRCAP yes
92b5de82-0221-4df1-8094-80f40c0bb4fa yes
95c53f69-0f05-4348-822a-571f3d757001 yes
96312510-c126-485d-8109-ed81844a1dc3 SNRPN , BRWD1 , ACVR1B yes
972447aa-4332-47e7-bddd-2eb699dbb664 MTUS2 , RIC1 , USP21 yes
97943d87-fed7-4f14-a0a7-c5bfee64c392 POM121 yes
9938ce5c-e74e-446e-a932-f096f85cc3b1 yes
99e32c59-aa73-43fa-88c9-399ddadb2c72 SEC14L5 yes
9d166970-07c8-4ca3-9cfa-ed0049df9ecc SCRIB , SEPTIN9 , SERPINA10 , OSBPL8 yes
a1da9db1-db11-4f4d-a249-c738db81b87e DOP1B , LMAN1L yes
a5b44d66-c162-46b5-9df2-86305f0385c5 SLITRK4 , NFATC4 , UGT2B15 yes
a6edb6ca-ae9f-4da7-8ebe-92d83d2987fb PHEX yes
a855c228-a263-44df-87a0-cbc32187e3f5 NPLOC4 , ZNF423 yes
a9b7d7fe-be31-4f71-afee-c1bfdf511888 ARHGEF10 yes
a9bb8159-32f0-454c-a946-b3286a52b9d5 FBXW7 , YEATS4 , BATF2 yes
aa4244a8-0454-4247-a1c3-357fd51746fa yes
ac68d219-5670-4ddd-8df6-8aa7ad59e5c7 DPYS yes
ad18820b-a804-49c0-ba8a-86c09fa6bce2 SBNO1 yes
ae65baeb-6b78-492a-8c63-bb7e93e83dc2 VSTM2A yes
b094e8b2-8ece-4b36-8025-18073a8b873c CEP89 , WDR17 , TP53 yes
b6633c36-7ce4-4b69-9bf6-30b64d46c66f yes
b7f74ae1-6f58-447c-be50-a7666eb19d9a AL109984.1 yes
b97bf89a-7a85-4eef-ae7e-f787aead1f0a yes
c49e3b18-fd88-48f4-8b01-300692ceb367 yes
c70ee5e1-4703-4996-bb5c-f4cca0fb53ba yes
cf9db1af-17f0-490e-8139-142bd704763a yes
d3d545b3-457f-4389-821f-704cb24aff7f VTI1B , XPO5 yes
d5d8e76e-2f2a-49bc-ba0a-d51283611b16 yes
d8ecba6a-9fff-4993-a799-9a8d2aea524e DENND1C yes
dcd5e079-813a-4c1a-b320-0931468d2bbc PASD1 yes
dfe6db17-cf45-488e-bd3c-b8433d7343ca GRIN2A , HDAC2 yes
e828455d-4680-41b2-8a1c-1582e3790d62 TMEM132E , MUC6 yes
e9f4f373-37a5-48ad-a1a0-b0d47820111a NR1D2 , CYP2D6 , SLC29A1 yes
eb2dbb4f-66b6-4525-8323-431970f7a64e RPAP2 yes
ebc460c2-df88-4dc0-a2c0-aca8072b75ad NPAS4 , HTR1E , PSD yes
eda6d2d5-4199-4f76-a45b-1d0401b4e54c yes
f0d8a1fe-e313-44f1-99cc-b965cbeeff0e AC132217.2 yes
f55dd73d-8c36-440b-84e5-9aae53107775 yes
fc18d029-9be2-4fa0-9aef-6d647dc55f0b yes
124B693C-77DC-4FA8-B703-54E8B5054A92 no
23C31C2E-336C-4878-A476-CF8D811B4875 C8A , TP53 no
2B36853F-34D3-47C5-BA6A-E5A93233D2B1 KMT2D no
2DC1CEC9-925A-417F-9E21-3C2143E711B4 no
398FB71B-CA83-44E7-BF0D-B1CA464B0283 no
3AF31FCF-AD0C-4FD9-A8E3-10F9176B5E9D EFCAB5 , TYW1 no
53886143-C1C6-40E9-88E6-E4E5E0271FC8 no
5700C1B3-922A-4401-8AB8-89028908D696 FAM89A no
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